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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. every single player that gets released is obviously a great choice to be brought in "for a look". Every. Single. One. Even guys from the CFL, The Lingerie League and Division III college football.
  2. If Manning wasn't racist, he would have put his wang on a trainers face of all ethnic backgrounds.
  3. How is this relevant? One of them is right and the other is Brandon Marshall
  4. because it's idiocy to completely dismiss the idea, that he manages some success, all together. Or more matter of factly, his tenure as the Head Coach of the Bills is not over so "will" is the appropriate word.
  5. Can someone explain to me what race has to do with the Manning allegations?
  6. I still don't understand how this relates to Cam Newton
  7. I firmly believe Rex will end up as a failure here, but this article is ridiculous.
  8. The article has some good information and I anxiously await next season's excuses from Rex, but I don't understand why only former Schwartz coaches were interviewed.
  9. All the criticism I have read was in regards to him being a "douche" this year with things like the Superbowl postgame, various in-game antics, whining, etc. I'm not familiar enough with him this season to really speak to whether they were douchey or not. The criticism has all been for things that are recent and on actions he is taking now. Why aren't they comparing him Johnny Manziel which seem like a more accurate comparison? This seems like trying to cherry pick to fit a narrative.
  10. I'm confused. Is Cam Newton being lambasted about something that happened in college? Everything I've been reading is about how he has been a douchenozzle this season. Comparing an awful event from the 90s before the age of the smartphone not getting enough attention to this doesn't make sense to me.
  11. Houston was ready for him to go, but they also had JJ Watt to mop up any tears.
  12. Why did you start using letters instead of numbers?
  13. I don't understand why an NFL player would even be in that situation. You have millions...why risk it? Let someone else throw the punch. The Bills should give him a couple games on top of the league's suspension.
  14. they went away from that D later in the year and Rex has said he plans to make changes. Look, I don't like Rex, but he acknowledged the problem and intends to make changes. Not much else he can do publicly in February.
  15. I didn't actually see one complaint about the game. Just a lot of stuff about the business practices of the NFL.
  16. Uhh...you know the game was already broadcast, right? This tape is missing small chunks and one large chunk. The NFL would be using in addition to the existing footage that already aired.
  17. They keep dealing with all of these problem players, but they don't seem to get any better at it.
  18. because whenever he says something stupid people on here can't rush fast enough to post it and give him attention. He's actually very good at his job which is to generate attention. There's usually multiple topics on this board about him on the front page.
  19. I really, really hope he goes to Dallas. That is one reality show I would watch.
  20. I don't understand why people think the NFL should pay him. He gave them an offer and they gave him one.
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