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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Did johhny ever figure out who he was actually living with?
  2. Ladies and gentlemen, Demaurice Smith. I will negotiate solely for dollar value then try to sue for everything else that should have been negotiated. Brilliant Strategy. Players seem really, really happy with their current CBA.
  3. This guy has been handed more starting jobs than Manziel and RG3 combined and has never done a thing. Teams need to stop thinking he's a starting QB....or a decent backup.
  4. Someone needs to start a charity so we can address Affluenza.
  5. I really hope so. Norman will be a colossal disappointment for the amount of money he gets.
  6. Don't bother arguing with WEO. He's a pats fan and cherry picks out small segments of data to back up whatever his jump to conclusions mat said that day.
  7. I've got to agree. It will set a cap for Gilmore. If the market isn't "set" then the agent is going to try for a number beyond the highest.
  8. I like that the same people who criticize the Bills for being "active" in free agency are the same who criticize them not being active. Seems like the criticism isn't actually based on what the Bills do.
  9. who takes little "official" money. The under the table money helps.
  10. How does Manziel not know who he is living with?
  11. There as interesting as they were last year...because people want to see how high can the tire fire burn..
  12. I might see 20 million, but 25...uhh...No. I'm also not confident he'll be the same force once he gets paid. I thin he'll be very good...maybe..great, but once the bongo bucks roll in, I don't think he'll remain dominant.
  13. So, if this is "common knowledge" among the NFL circles...why couldn't the reporter find another source to vet the claims?
  14. because it's firechan and the entire poll is about pushing his anti-bills agenda
  15. No, it's not possible. They would keep Tyrod as the starter and have the drafted player sitting on the bench and play him next season if they can't sign Tyrod.
  16. How about we just call them the Double Deuces?
  17. Oh, man, his own website. Definitely priced out of the Bills reach now.
  18. I'd rather overpay him for performing this year than overpay him for performing last year
  19. omg, trade down for more picks! GENUIS idea. We certainly don't get this thread....every....single...year. At best, if you traded back from 19th to say...1st pick of the 2nd round, you'd get the 33rd pick and then somewhere in the like 55+. Not bad, but you need a trade partner and another team that can't offer a better deal.
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