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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Well, hell, then the Pats will be firing Belichick to hire Greg Roman any moment now...since he outranked Chicago in every category with Tyrod Taylor
  2. I thINk anyone has discussed this topic before..
  3. Is it really "Innovative"? Someone should tell Gase not to confuse "Innovative" with "Results". Manning has done more for Gase's career than Gase has...
  4. or Patriots. Lucking into Brady was their last successful QB
  5. Which one of the 3 Ohio States QBs was he again? Does he come with the other 2?
  6. So the two games in which they played different teams...that were of a much different quality. I'm not sure those 2 games are the ones you want to hang your hat on.
  7. This..to celebrate this forum, I'll ignore it's rules!
  8. The real question is why are you watching or reading anything from ESPN?
  9. That wasn't exactly a self defense or defense of others situation
  10. I just don't get Bradford's play here. Anywhere he goes, he's going to be "competing" for the starting job. He *will* be the starter for the Eagles. *If* he plays well then they will staple the rookie's ass to the bench. If he plays well two years in a row, they will resign him. It seems like he doesn't want a guy behind pushing him. He also defacto called out the rest of his team by saying they should be drafting someone to help him which implies that the current guys aren't good enough. Even if that is true, you don't say it. He has a terrible attitude. It's no wonder he can't be a leader or successful at the position. It's a damn shame he's been paid like he is good at it though.
  11. If you're going to beat someone, right or wrong, kill them. No one to sue you or offer an opposing view of the events.
  12. I thought this was a statement about an upcoming wedding that was going to have an open bar and everyone on the board was invited. I'm sorely disappointed that you're not getting married to this gentleman and that there will be no open bar.
  13. This "common refrain" is just in your head like many of your other claims.
  14. I've heard they asked for a wet paper bag. I can't see anyone giving that up for Bradford.
  15. I'm sorry, it's not often I think something needs it's own thread, but Skip Bayless leaving and being run over by reindeer needs its own thread.
  16. Well, better than the other places her hand goes. I'd say she lacks some of his explosiveness, but has a higher motor.
  17. If he plays well, they will keep him. You don't trade away good QBs. If he believes he'll be, at best, mediocre, then yeah...he is probably worried about being traded.
  18. In TBD's never ending quest to post about signing every player who is not currently a members of the Bills, we bring you: AJ Hawk In a special bonus edition, we also have "My dead grandmother" who is a free agent and should be brought in to kick the tires
  19. The players seem really happy with the current CBA
  20. None of those even have a shot of the playoffs with Bradford on the team.
  21. The NFLPA (Demaurice Smith) went into the CBA thinking he could just negotiate on money and get everything else by going to court. The players got reamed, but they elected him again afterwards so they got what they deserved.
  22. The pats*** run the cost/benefit analysis on their cheating. They know they will get caught, but their success outweighs the penalties. They need their rings taken away.
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