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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'd say that's a safe bet. Likely right before Michigan gets hit for recruiting violations
  2. Media loves guy that does their jobs for them... It is a mystery.
  3. The Jets did the right thing by not signing Fitz. They did the wrong thing having geno as their backup plan.
  4. Not that I agree with the original comment, but it fails a lot more than it suceeds
  5. Give the players what they want. 3 concussions and they're done. Let the NFLPA choose the medics who make the determination at the games. We'll see how fast the players take that deal to protect themselves. At the very least, we'd get a show watching them tie themselves into knots to make it sound like some nefarious scheme to harm them.
  6. I pointed out that the right throws out canards just like the left does. Neither the far left or far right is doing anyone any favors, but both are continually supported because of these silly issues. Instead of focusing on which side is throwing out BS issues, let's focus on the ones that matter instead of everybody going to their corners and complaining about the people in the other corner.
  7. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/28/us/dennis-hastert-sentencing.html?_r=0 No, I'm not afraid to answer. I understand you're likely afraid to listen because the far left and far right extremists are much more interested in the "parade of terribles" that other extremists will inflict upon the country that focusing on issues that could be resolved. I'd like to have a functioning government where we're not continually held hostage by people who can no longer discuss an issue without it being "us vs them". I'd like to get a functioning tax code that doesn't allow mega corporations to shift money around to avoid taxes and doesn't force them to do so. I'd like to stop having a national security discussion that focuses more on security theater than actual security. I'd like to address the problems with Net neutrality and Zero Rating. I'd also like to stop state laws that prevent local communities from expanding broadband options on their own or through public/private partnerships especially when the telecom servicing the area refuses to service or upgrade services. I'd like to see our society shift from relying on social programs to artificially prop up spending to give the illusion of a functioning economy or better jobs numbers (Hello Start Up-Ny). I'd like for the administration in office that promised to be the most transparent in history to be held accountable for being the most opaque administration in history. I'd like to see the balance of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches evened out. There's a lot of things I'd like to see done, but we these stupid partisan extremes keep us voting against our own interests.
  8. and the issues you mention are not? My entire point is your just as focused on BS as the far left. Why are you so much more upset about this made up stuff than Dennis Hastert admitting to being a child molester?
  9. Yeah, nothing like the important issues of what bathroom people use, who's getting married to who, and abortion that the extremists on the other side go on and on about. Extremists suck. You seem like an extremist more interested in fighting the extremists on the left than getting something done.
  10. You assumed I was talking about the media which is very telling. I was talking about *you*. Your attention is focused on this issue.
  11. Given the amount of attention given to each issue, it certainly seems like the name of a football team is a much larger issue.
  12. This is the most idiotic thing posted in here. This logic is insane. Where does it end? Someone is always offended by something. Question the sample size, the accuracy, etc, but holy hand grenade, Can you imagine a world where if 10% of people are "offended" by something that we do away with it?
  13. I'd rather overpay him later for having a good year than overpay him now to possibly **** the bed.
  14. That was my first thought on seeing this thread that he wasn't really a "Wonder", but given the state of QB play in the league, it might be accurate. Average may be at the level of wonder in today's NFL.
  15. I heard there was a witch hunt. Where do I get my pitchfork?
  16. The problem is the nabobs just B word about everything. It means that those of us who would like to discuss actual bad decisions need to waste our time combating the people who believe every single decision is terrible. It works the same way for the people who believe every single decision is great. Both sides are just as bad and both sides use the other as justification. Personally, I'd just ban them all and let people have actual discussions.
  17. I got ya, I was saying don't be quoting facts when someone's on a rant. Facts are irrelevant.
  18. Why is this it's own thread? Was the thread on this player not sufficient to contain this revelation?
  19. Oh, joy, one of the TSW Warrior goldenboys in which where they accuse everyone of having rose colored glasses about a player while believing Zach Mettenberger is going to the hall.
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