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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I was thinking he was about to get served a copyright notice
  2. I'd rather overpay after a 2nd good year than overpay him for one. I like him. I think he can play well. I just prefer the Flacco model. Give me something, first. You're not paying a clear "starting" QB less than 20 million in this league anyway.
  3. It's a big risk for the Jets to not bring Fitz back. As I've said all along, it's the right decision, but it may not be the realistic one. If Geno struggles and they fall out of the playoffs, people will be out for Bowles and Maccagnan's blood.
  4. I don't think demeaning the women themselves is really necessary. If they were all 10s, it's still is silly to have cheerleaders at NFL games.
  5. Yes, what can ranking of players who now may or may not play for your team being released to the public hurt...I mean, off the top of my head, I can't think of anything like an agent using said ranking in a future contract negotiation or the endless questions every week when a player goes up against a team that didn't have them in such and such a round if there is extra motivation for them this week...
  6. I think a lot of the issues with the AFC East rivalries has been the dominance of the pats*. It's a lot harder to get worked up when playing for 2nd place. As they declines and you start seeing the division open up more, you'll see increased animosity between other teams. I though moving Miami would have been good, but let's just leave it alone until there is a good reason for realignment.
  7. You understand that this isn't true? Right? Given the increase in ticket sales alone is enough to make this theory seem...quaint. If you have a poll or study or something that shows most fans have a negative outlook on the upcoming Bills season, I'd love to see it. The problem is that a lot of us who are critical of the team end up reading idiotic comment from a small portion of posters that offer up crazy, unsubstantiated negative outlooks. It's incredibly annoying that there are many things that I think are wrong, but I end up having to slog through the insanity of few of the chosen realists that by the time I go to post something critical I end up posting something against some asinine crackpot theory that the Bills are doomed because a 5th round draft pick got a DUI.
  8. because some of us have done seriously stupid things and don't believe just because "we got away without hurting someone" that it should be allowed.
  9. Well, don't worry too much, OP. ESPN's financial outlook is pretty bleak as time marches on so in a few years they likely will be cutting costs and the ESPYs will be a column on their web page
  10. Those regulations were something cab companies put in place to keep competition out. Now it's biting them in the ass. If you're a rookie who hasn't played a snap yet...seriously, you can't take 3 months and not do something stupid?
  11. Stevie hasn't done anything since. His career was having a good chemistry with Fitzpatrick.
  12. Demaurice Smith decided to only negotiate on money. He told the players they could get a max dollar value deal then go and sue the NFL over everything else. It hasn't worked out too well for him and the players have been saddled with a pretty bad CBA. It's their own fault and they still voted the idiot back in. I'll laugh if he negotiates the next CBA for them.
  13. wait...you think terrorists are going to attack a private parking lot of a sporting event over the public lots or the event itself?
  14. I know when I ruin franchises, I like to win Superbowls. It is good to know that it's not even 3 years after a Superbowl win that your franchise is ruined.
  15. I haven't read the article, but I wanted to get in on the over reaction to it. I don't know why they even waste a roster spot on this guy. There isn't any player who has had a similar season as he did that has gone on to become a great player. Also, no Bills players who have worked with the current training staff have been entered into the hall of fame. Not ONE. Do you know how unlikely this is? Still, you won't see any changes from the Rogue One, Whaley, as he sits on his hands kissing Russ Brandon's Ring Pops.
  16. I guess it's good they're in the right place and not on his butt
  17. I'm 35. I have no interest in living in a police state because it *may* possibly stop someone from doing something stupid / getting killed. If you keep police armored troop transports and military grade hardware then they will use it whether it's need or not. Look at how many no knock warrants are served by SWAT team for non-violent offenders. Why? Because we have a giant battering ram that we got from the military....better use it. Supporting a armed police state because sometimes bad things happen is a terrible notion. You don't give up freedom to fight people who want to attack freedom.
  18. "Terrorism" has replaced "Think of the children" for the government's continued nanny state invasion into our lives
  19. I didn't like the Rex hire. I don't like Rex, but it's 3 years. Unless there is some seriously great candidate like Harbaugh decides to come back to the NFL, I don't think there's much to gain by starting over after 2 years.
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