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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Well, maybe if he hadn't listened to the Bills medical staff then he could have prevented their divorce
  2. Wake me up when someone else reports it. I'm sure we'll get something from Timmy saying that the Bills bought off the league or something.
  3. Not sure this is...news. He's been separated for several months and getting divorced. It happens all the time.
  4. Amazing that one reporter makes something up and it gets reported around even though no one else can get a whiff of anything.
  5. It's Tim Graham who has an active axe to grind and I don't think he's even on sports anymore
  6. Reading comprehension. Try it. You might like it.
  7. Seriously, where has this guy been? Whaley also didn't foresee the Saints 1st rounder getting hurt because he hired a sub-standard medical team on the orders of Russ Brandon who got his orders from Littman who got his orders from Ralph who is cheap.
  8. Man, people were really in a rush to make hankerson cut threads
  9. RYan has never realized that perceptions carry a lot of weight even if they don't jive with reality. It gets worse if one commonly held perception about you ends up being true.
  10. I was against signing him, but it's a low risk deal. They'll pay him if he performs or move on if he doesn't
  11. You failed to realize I was making fun of people who think this..
  12. What's wrong with Whaley and our training staff for not figuring out how to stop players from getting concussions? How do any of them still have a job?
  13. maybe all the player should be put in cold sleep and hooked up to VR helmet to go through mental reps then have cyborgs developed that they can control through the VR helmets
  14. We also didn't lose any of them for the entire season. Your assertion also assumes that the Bills have a greater propensity for losing greater value players than other teams. The Bills aren't some magically snakebit team suffering more or "greater" injuries in any meaningful way than other teams. They're not at fault for the injuries either. Their training staff is not bumbling band of idiots who have no idea what they're doing. The stats also show that last season they were one of the more injured teams last season. I think they did pretty well given the injuries they had.
  15. The facts don't bear out the theory that the Bills suffer more injuries being perpetuated in this thread. It exists in the heads and perceptions of some. The numbers show the Bills to be average in that regard: Man Games Lost: 2012: 15th (166) 2013: 19th (154) 2014: 28th (138) 2015: 10th (171)
  16. The Bills were 10th (171) last season in man games lost last season. The season before that they were 28th (138) in man games lost. Two seasons ago they were 19th (154). So the theory that the Bills are somehow experiencing a greater number of injuries looks to be more perception than reality.
  17. He says his positive test was from an approved substance...and for some reason even though he knows he took this substance, he expects different results from his "B" test. I'm betting he ends up suspended.
  18. The New England Patriots led the league in number of games (245) lost to injury in 2015. I'm not sure it matters as long as they cheat.
  19. You're making things up again. Please stop. It's embarrassing for all of us like when someone gets really drunk and tries to hit on someone who wants no part of it. None of us want to be here and see this.
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