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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I heard Rex was going to be the coach of the Los Angeles Lakers next season.
  2. Now I don't know what to believe. I think Rex can't right the ship, but now that Francesca thinks so...I don't know.
  3. So the people who are responsible for the creation of the internet and expert in the field would like to tell people to stop being idiots: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160921/16292135589/donald-trump-doubles-down-ted-cruzs-blatantly-confused-backwards-argument-over-internet-governance.shtml https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/09/20/ted-cruz-is-wrong-about-a-key-internet-agencys-ability-to-censor-free-speech/ http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2016/5/201609-the-iana-transition/fulltext http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/16/us/politics/ted-cruz-internet-domain-names-funding.html?_r=0 http://www.internetgovernance.org/2016/09/08/another-congressional-rock-hurled-at-the-transition-misses-the-mark/ http://www.gao.gov/products/B-327398
  4. or...just allow for competition. Don't let the ISP enjoy the current monopoly that they do on the infrastructure. Also, Let me borrow the words from someone much more knowledgeable on these issues, Mike Masnick: I'd strongly recommend the full article at https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160610/07561834679/yes-getting-us-government-out-managing-internet-domain-governance-is-good-thing.shtml
  5. ^this. There's a lot of people who will just blame everyone and then when something goes wrong, they'll be there to say, "SEE!" I blamed that guy. Sully is one of those guys. Doesn't contribute anything except giving an echo chamber to the dim.
  6. There were a lot of issues. If you leave the defensive problem aside or believe that the time of possession early on being so heavily slanted towards the Jets impacted them then the offense had several woes related to a scheme that should have been designed to negate one of the most dominant defensive lines in the league and an aggressive coverage that the refs seemed to only have a problem with the Bills doing. My only explanation is that timing throws don't seem to be one of Tyrod's strengths. I don't necessarily see how longer developing plays were a good alternative, but they ended up with 31 points on the board so I don't know.
  7. I'm very confused by Rex's inability to find an offensive coordinator. He seems to bring in coorindators that he's not familiar with and then they're philosophy doesn't jive...
  8. Someone needs to tell Gilmore he hasn't signed a new contract yet
  9. Donahoe and Russ Brandon were good friend when he was here. Rumors say that he called Russ and asked him to watch some tape on him and make a recommendation. So not only was Donahoe the driving force, it was on the recommendation of Brandon. Wentz may turn out to be worse than Ryan Leaf.
  10. It's a good thing Bruce played before Russ Brandon joined the organization. Otherwise, he would have sucked.
  11. Russ Brandon is the one who is planning the offense so I don't expect to see anything resembling a competent game plan. I don't even know why this topic was started. We all know Russ is planning the offense and he doesn't even know what a screen or slant is...he just knows how to call a run for -2 yards.
  12. I just told you what a struggle it is for us realists to have to tell you this stuff over and over. Brandon not only was intimately involved, they only signed Spikes because Russ went out and scouted him, watched the tape and then told Rex to play a defense where Spikes would be able to contribute. Time to get your head of the clouds and realize that Russ is also the one who was responsible for the 2008 housing market crash, but I guess kool aid drinkers like you just want more kool aid and you don't mind if the team sucks for another 16 years.
  13. You don't understand. He's obviously not just responsible for those people...he is telling those people what to do. Do you think the Bills re-signed Brandon Spikes without Russ Brandon being intimately involved in the process? Russ sat down and watched the tape and made the decision. This isn't just a case of the guy running the teams and giving his tacit approval to Whaley making a decision. HE makes the decisions. You guys don't the struggle of us realists having to explain this to you all the time.
  14. You don't understand the struggle of being a "realist" and knowing you're right all the time without a doubt and then all these other people are wrong...ON THE INTERNET...and it's your lonely responsibility to bring that reality to them because they aren't freaking the hell out about everything and you have this very analytical mind that will make the Bills great again, but these people just are not freaking the f out about Rex having his lapband removed. Unfortunately, there's a segment of this board that doesn't understand the difference between criticism which there is plenty to criticize and just being negative about everything. As I pointed about above though, we can't know the pain of their struggle.
  15. except, as you well know, that wasn't what people were talking about...they were talking about the "winning" quote.
  16. So an article about rex removing his lap band to support his brother in which he makes a joke about winning more when he was fat is now some great travesty and obviously something he actually believes...
  17. He just took 3rd place all time for total losses. He could take #1 if the rams go 6-10 or worse
  18. I'm sure you have some evidence that it's not the reason.
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