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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/189222-report-sammy-could-return-this-season/
  2. Nothing like replacing a pile of poop with a pile of sh*t
  3. lol at the people who still don't understand that Bon Jovi would be part of a group buying a team
  4. I find it intriguing that both the Dolphins and Jets were supposed to have fearsome lines. I didn't expect the Dolphins would work out, but a lot of lazy d lineman who have been paid in the AFC East.
  5. A statement to Dareus' ability to make better decisions than the OP
  6. He's done well the last 4 games, but Rex's biggest issue has always been consistency and not letting success lure him into complacency. He's been fine, but the test is to beat the Dolphins and be playing for 1st against the Pats***
  7. There's a few people on this board that aren't really Bills fans. A bills win ruins their week.
  8. Remember when RG3 was going to tear up the league? There have been a lot of guys who look like a Unicorn and then.......don't.
  9. "I don't want politics in my football" Threads keep getting made about Kap on a football forum that have nothing to do with him actually playing football....
  10. outside of insane overpayment, Dallas isn't getting rid of Prescott or Romo. I don't why people, especially people who fans of a team that has needed a QB for almost 2 decades, believe that teams are eager to trade away QBs who are performing well. They'll happily keep Romo or Prescott as the backup.
  11. Well, this game is exciting. Perhaps, we can use this time to figure out why the NFL's ratings are down.
  12. Reading the 49ers forums, their fans believe they will lose if Gabbert starts, but that if Kap starts then they will blow us out. They also chide Bills fans for thinking that Gabbert and Kap are on the same level as QBs. They feel that Kap is a far superior QB.
  13. Trestman never should have been a head coach. He's not that great of a coordinator either.
  14. It was nice knowing you all. Enjoy the Apocalypse. (his opinion is still ****)
  15. The Bills have a game prior to playing San Francisco so I don't care.
  16. I have to agree with the OP> The several chances that Gordon has previously to not be an idiot were obviously not real chances and being traded to Buffalo would finally give him an opportunity to have a real chance to be reformed.
  17. Why didn't the Bills Medical Staff know about him being crazy? When will someone be held accountable?
  18. ^This. Why change his positions when you can just play him how you want?
  19. Stop. You need to get on board the NFL is gonna fold within 5 years train. Get on it now!
  20. Pegula paid more than the paper valuation which kinda shoots a hole in the that's not what someone will pay for the team. Google pays out more for music than any other singular entity. What?
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