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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Is this like crayonz on some troll account starting threads?
  2. Points. You're right, it wasn't hard...so why did you make the thread?
  3. You gotta figure with what happened with the Vikings today...ZImmer coming back isn't a sure thing. If your players openly defy you and don't follow your gameplan...there are big problems.
  4. He's a solid corner and before this season I would have said yes, pay him. However, now...it's a much iffier question.
  5. None of your reports say what you think they say...he negotiates contracts.
  6. Whatever you think about Byrd...his business sense is incredible. He managed to take his luck of developing plantar fasciitis and use it to take a good part of a season and turn it into a crapload of money.
  7. Hey, don't let reality get in the way of a good whine.
  8. Man, timmah has been very angry since being fired by ESPN and removed from writing non-football features at TBN
  9. I saw a cloud that was abstract shaped so I think it means that Rex will get an extension. I didn't want Rex, but if they fire him this year then Whaley has to go too because it means that's two coaches in a row that lasted 2 years. It also means it's time for a modern, high profile guy to come in either as GM or to run the search for a GM.
  10. I'm glad you figured out they played a game and got points so yes, they are now ahead of the Sabres who have played 1 less game than they have.
  11. Unfortunately, I could stomach about 5-6 of your posts before the contents of my stomachs decided to leave. Would you care to point out where you had a rational thought in your hot mess of posts in this thread?
  12. Big blockbuster deals don't happen in the NFL. It's a whole different animal then baseball.
  13. Brilliant. Now if you can just figure out how to get him interested int he NFL..
  14. It's much easier for the dims to have a lightning rod to soak up their disdain then look at the very complex operations of an NFL team and so we have Russ Brandon so we have a target to b*tch about..
  15. The Sabres are copying the exact format of Stanley Cup winners from the last several years...not sure what you're talking about there..
  16. You're under the assumption that the job of the radio guys is to be accurate or put some sort of effort towards being reasonable. It's not. Their job is to attract listeners which means they will say whatever gets people listening. They will lie, make stuff up, pander to the audience, takes thing way out of context, etc. because it gets the "loons" who believe it and then it gets the people who are aghast that they would say these things.
  17. whatever happened to Graham not covering sports? I guess he couldn't write those feature pieces..
  18. This gets brought up over and over again. It's silly. You think he was responsible when he was an entry level employee? If you wanted to blame him for more recent years of suck then maybe you could make an argument there, but attributing 20 years to him shows you're really just upset and lashing out at whatever target comes to mind. The Bills suck, it's frustrating, but flailing your arms around in the air throwing a tantrum is silly.
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