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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. maybe they know better than to pay a QB for a really good half season
  2. So Rex was the worst possible hire ever...then he was a terrible coach who couldn't coach defense...and now he's a brilliant genius and the Bills will rue the day that they let him go? I didn't like the Rex hire. He hasn't won in a long time. I don't like letting a coach go after two years either. The whole change in narrative though is pretty crazy.
  3. ^ Let's keep in mind that the people who write about Buffalo sports are not journalists, do not claim to be journalists and don't adhere to those standards. They have failed the community by being unable to hold the local sports organizations accountable because they unable to devolve to message board warriors if everything doesn't go exactly the way they want it to go in their lives.
  4. I suspected it, but I'm glad to have it confirmed. I'm also told that he had the chance to go back in time and assassinate hitler, but instead he chose to go back to the 80s and get a lifetime supply of Ecto-Cooler
  5. I said it when they fired Wade Phillips. Russ Brandon has got to go and almost twenty years later, it still holds true. My sources also tell me he was the reason that Butler left and why Donahoe didn't have full control of football matters. I also suspect he had a lot to do with Marv retiring as coach.
  6. I don't know if he has or has not, but I do know that I'm confused as to why Lee gets the "QB Guru" label all the time. I can't find one QB that has been better after he coached them..
  7. Everyone in the organization has said that Whaley is in charge of hiring the next coach...so..it seems like they are?
  8. You do realize that all owners have to hire the "Football People"...right? They're the owners..even if they hire "Football People" to make "Football" Decisions" then they're making the decision on the "Football People" to hire... They have now chosen Whaley as their "Football Person"
  9. I tried posting a list, but the board said "Out of Memory" when I hit post..
  10. Wade has spoken about his time as a HC has passed and he is comfortable as a DC. I think he could retire as well with a new HC coming into Denver.
  11. Unfortunately, most of the Sports media has set into coast mode by just being a glorified message board warrior. Tim Graham wonders why he was fired from espn. Sully wonders why his opinion isn't worshiped on the same level as the Bible. Vic lets the others write his articles for him while he tries to find Larry Felser. It would be nice to get some competent reporters who understand how ask tough questions and be critical of the franchise without just devolving to some sort of irate old man yelling at the clouds routine.
  12. Any head coach I'm looking at who they bring in as coordinators. Bradley is a great choice for DC, but does Lynn use "His guy" and become the coordinator in chief or does he get an OC and actually perform the role of the head coach? I can't remember the last time the Bills had a HC that wasn't coordinator in chief.
  13. I look forward to the one question that will be asked roughly 187 times.
  14. You realize that they *have* to be involved, right? Even if they say it's 100% your call Doug Whaley...they're still involved because they make the decision to make it 100% Doug's call...technically, they sign off on every decision made...
  15. I like Wade, but he's stated that he's not interested in being a head coach again.
  16. I don't follow college football and had barely heard about this kid...now over the last 24 hours...he's everywhere. Publicist is doing good work...too bad he's not.
  17. then stop reading them and don't give them MORE attention. They do this because it gets attention. Their job is to GET ATTENTION.
  18. It's all just so SIMPLE! I can't believe the bumbling idiots at TBD haven't done this already!
  19. As long as they hire a head coach instead of a coordinator in chief who can't get his side of the ball functioning ala Marrone and Rex...they can take whatever amount of time they wish.
  20. It's time I come clean...I was the Mystery Mastubator outside your window.
  21. I doubt Murph knew it was a kid, but I think there need to be more shows where people yell at kids.
  22. Why are the pats trolls allowed to start topics?
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