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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I really, really want this to happen. Coughlin, Marrone, and Kelly would be incredibly entertaining.
  2. Not happening, no matter how many connections you generate in your own mind
  3. ..and both f*cked over the teams that hired them...and both led miserable offenses despite being offensive minds...
  4. all still in the playoffs, not weird. Happens every year. You can't fill out a coaching staff if you don't have coach.
  5. every...single....offseason Gruden is not coming back. He just likes to have his balls tickled every offseason.
  6. #badol is a reverse candide. If you're expecting sense from that source then you'll be waiting longer got that then we have for a Bills playoff game.
  7. Maybe Nick can teach the other writers there something...
  8. don't give the local media ideas...next presser they'll ask him why he hasn't condemned kromer yet
  9. There's way more options than you or I know. Just because there's not people you've heard of...doesn't mean there aren't good options.
  10. I think a search firm is generally hired to do research. They may be leaned on more or less, but I'd bet a box of awful donuts that one is involved in almost all head coaching searches.
  11. That point was reached years ago. People were complaining about the next coach when Gailey was hired.
  12. is there a reason yeezus exists? Is it to punish us for our sull...er...sins?
  13. He may have thought EJ was the best QB in that draft which is something different.
  14. between the "Rex made promises" and "Do you think that if you want Tyrod that you'll get him?" that McDermott has been introduced to the WTF Buffalo media.
  15. You don't get rid of a QB until you have someone better on the roster
  16. You need to work on your reading comprehension. He's saying it wasn't necessary for him to give his name. Also, if he needs a specific question to figure that out then he's dumber than we ever imagined.
  17. You want thoughts? Well.. Nothing says "who gives a ****" like shameless merchandising so f*ck it. Get your shirts now, as death comes quickly and time lurches relentlessly forward in a death march, culminating in brutal suffering, the end of all things & eternal blackness
  18. Could Elvis still be alive and living with 2pack in a trailer park in New Mexico?
  19. if this a preview of the media at the press conference...I say they call it and just have him take questions from a broken umbrella. We'd get more questions about football.
  20. You do realize that new words are added to the language all the time and some of the greatest works of English used made up words? Is this sully? I feel like this is something that sully would ask at a presser.. "Do you know that the Bills organization is so dysfunctional that they called this a presser?"
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