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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I agree with the change. Adding 30 seconds to an existing break is much better than 2 separate 15 second breaks or 1 separate 30 second break. For those that don't visit the article: * Four breaks per quarter (rather than five, six, five and five), each extended from 1:50 to 2:20.
  2. It's likely he's referring to his time not here. His best season was his season in Buffalo. He was not good in Philly. He improved in Miami, but was still an average player on a team that had LB issues.
  3. I love how reactionary everything is...this is about loosening up on celebrations.
  4. This is answered by the link posted right above your post.
  5. Yet, you almost never hear about players taking issue with a team doctor's diagnosis until after they paychecks stop. You also hear about players hiding their symptoms so they can play.
  6. The health risks aren't a secret. They players have access to the information...and they choose the money.
  7. what about the original thread on this player was unable to contain sorrow that he resigned with Seattle?
  8. It's just so easy! I don't know how all 32 teams don't win the Superbowl every year!
  9. Brady has not done anything without BB. If he was drafted by...say...the Bills..there wouldn't be a conversation. Whatever team drafted Manning was guaranteed a Superbowl regardless of how mismanaged the team was..
  10. He's not even the greatest of his era. Manning is.
  11. 10 pages on if EJ has had a tryout. Best offseason ever.
  12. oh...this is about football...nevermind then.
  13. What offense out there would McCoy be an awkward fit for? He runs, catches and blocks...
  14. epic. I'm pretty sure the Bills should never sign any players so they can get more picks.
  15. the worst thing that's happened under the Pegula's was shutting down the official message board. I had no idea how bad it could get...
  16. You can't win a championship if you don't make the playoffs
  17. How many guys keep coming out with all these impressive numbers every year, but still can't read a defense and make tight throws. An impressive physical performance at the combine is about as useful as breasts on BuffaloBarbarian. Way more interested in if guys can read defense, makes adjustments and adapt to having to change the way play (ie throw short, throw long, throw over the middle as strategy dictates)
  18. I think if you want to start a thread, spending the 10 seconds to run a search. The search function is especially helpful if you don't spend your life on the board because it only takes a few seconds to find out.
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