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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. No, but his name is TRE and we drafted TRE'DAVIOUS. Obviously, this means Beane is GM and we're signing him. No idea how people can't see the reality before them and connect the dots. THE DOTS, people, THE DOTS!
  2. Sorry, I just don't agree that the hiring of a "President of Football Ops" is contingent on brandon being fired
  3. What about this hot take doesn't fit into the existing threads about the GM search?
  4. because he's the current target...if they got rid of him, the raving masses would invent a new narrative for a new target. What's I'm curious about is how Russ was secretly running things behind the scenes since the 90s if Jeffrey Littman was secretly running things?
  5. I can imagine a certain segment on this board if he didn't work out... "LEAVE IT TO DA BILLZ TO HIRE A GUY WITH A DEGREE IN CREATIVE WRITING TO RUN A FOOTBALL TEAM"
  6. McDermott will be fired some day. Mark my words that eventually he will be fired. Look how easy it is to be "right"? The problem with the gentleman at the paper are that they simply say take a 50/50 and then ignore all the times they are wrong and trumpet when they are right. Always calling tails on a coin flip isn't analysis, it's just always calling tails.
  7. This. People see someone...anyone...say something they want to be true and then it is gospel.
  8. not if we're lucky and the mods catch up to you pick spoiling before then!
  9. Oh, we'll believe, just name some specific instances. Since you're so studious, you should be able to answer shortly with an explanation of his problems getting separation and some examples
  10. I thought this board could freak out. Jets board just shut down after taking a 2nd safety
  11. Are you upset the pats didn't have a 1st round pick whose shaft you could shove down your throat?
  12. Whaley: The guy at the pizza place would like to speak to my manager. McDermott: Again?!
  13. There's no data that supports this. It's been talked about on here quite a bit that the perception doesn't actually match the amount of draft capital the Bills have spent on certain positions compared to other teams.
  14. why do I get the feeling you didn't mention that before the 10th pick...
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