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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. ..and the newest entry on inventing things to worry about is... The team has enough actual issues to be concerned about.
  2. It should be noted that he's having his 14th despite having a vasectomy. He's got the juice.
  3. unfortunately, it seems "contributors" like him stick around. Looks like TBD is replacing BBMB and we'll need a new TBD somewhere.
  4. You guys do realize that every team does outsource scouting to some degree? There are several companies retained by NFL teams that do scouting work in addition to the teams own scouts. It's not like scouts working for teams are the *only* pool of scouts out there. Are scouts even included in the whole can't make a lateral move thing anyway?
  5. They'd focus on Kim as my guess...there's always someone else to blame whether it's rational or not
  6. DeMaurice Smith is one of the worst things to happen to American Football. His disastrous leadership has not provided a good counterpoint to the league and is going to bite everyone in the ass. Not to mention his idiotic strategy to focus CBA negotiations primarily on money at the expense of anything else and to then sue the league later. The players need to dump him so some balance can be brought back to the negotiations between the NFL and NFLPA
  7. I don't know how some of these habitual trolls don't get banned
  8. I just hope that when the dust settles on all of this that I don't wake up in the harbor without my pants again
  9. No, he wasn't. I don't remember him being talked about much at all.
  10. They're in now..I don't think you're getting them out
  11. The owner of the company does this thing at my job where someone makes a suggestion and he asks, "Is this data driven or feelings driven? Because if you have data for it and it works out expect a big bonus, but if it's feelings driven and it doesn't expect to be paid on feelings." You'd be getting paid on feelings.
  12. I ascribe this to what I call the Flacco plan. I'd rather overpay more after they do something than overpay somewhat less out of fear that they might.
  13. this is just something someone said...it doesn't rise to the level of "reported"
  14. Sometimes you laugh to keep from crying...think what people would think if they started crying
  15. There needs to be a 3rd option of don't give a flying sh*t about russ brandon
  16. Kelly. Brady never becomes Brady without Belichick. I think a QB has to have the nature to be great QB, but I think there are very, very few who get there without nurture.
  17. Shouldn't you have posted it in that thread then? Seems like the exact purpose of the reply button.
  18. I know it's irrational, but I don't want anyone from the team that gave up picks to get rid of a terrible QB they signed to a crazy contract.
  19. He would have been due 6.3 million next season. I'm not sure about the decision, but I guess they're banking on him either under-performing that amount or overperforming to the point that they'd be looking at a new deal anyway.
  20. Am I hallucinating again or is there not a thread on the GM search?
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