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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. He went to a football game when he was 1 and now he's a sucky QB
  2. Let's hope not and let's hope a few other of the pats fans, delusional schizos and sully go with him.
  3. The NFL pushed safer helmets back in the 90s...know who killed it? The Players. The NFL did not "hide" or "cover up" the risks. There is no secret study that the NFL killed. Players have access to as much information as the NFL has had. The players are the ones behind killing most of the safety proposals. The NFL adopted rules to reduce headshots...who complained? Fans and the players. The NFL has more of an interest in the game being as safe as possible to keep the product going than players and fans do...players want the biggest paycheck possible and thus they fight against rules to make the game safer because of the perception said measures would have on their performance.
  4. This is the the most shocking thing about this. Who the hell reads florio for anything other than to laugh? He's the eklund of the NFL. Throws everything at the wall to see what sticks.
  5. I disagree. They got worse. Tannehill may not be a world beater, but he's disciplined and *can* make the throws if a defense tries to put the game on him. Cutler will toss picks like they're dollar bills at a strip club. He's a "Gunslinger".
  6. No one has a problem with "critical" articles. The mindless ranting and raving with little point hasn't been worth reading for years not though.
  7. Not relevant. Doctors provide the best advice at the time. Big Tobacco obscured the truth, buried studies and paid people to lie. There is no indication the NFL has done that. The worst the NFL has been accused of is turning a blind eye.
  8. If you felt good about Rex and you're worried about McDermott then I am feeling much, much better about McDermott now.
  9. Is this how far we've fallen that a post dripping in complete and utter sarcasm is taken as serious... ...checks a certain fellas twitter.... Oh, sorry, I should have used some sarcasm smileys or something. It can be tough to tell.
  10. Science is only "real" science when it confirms what I want to believe. You should also never let facts get in the way of a good crusade. These are big mistakes that "scientists" make all the time.
  11. Should have drafted safeties in the 1st and 2nd round!
  12. The NFL players should be worried because it provides an out to the NFL that CTE develops from playing Football long before they get to the NFL and seems to have little to do with the NFL itself. It indicates it has more to do with the amount of time spent playing. The NFL could very well use this study against the players. I'm certain that Deion's wife isn't saying that because players/parents choose for them to play football as kids, in highschool, through college in the hope of playing in the NFL that puts a burden on the NFL to pay for them. That argument would defacto put the burden on any player injured in an attempt to obtain a career in the NFL. If they win on that, I'm going to start suing Beer companies for all the practice I put in studying their product in an attempt to gain employment with them.
  13. Don't insult people with head trauma.Rarely are they that stupid.
  14. I acknowledge your existence. You exist. Can you stop making spam topics now?
  15. being an !@#$ does not mean he's Belichick
  16. That's awfully strange because every single source says otherwise, but hey don't let facts get in the way of the story you make up in your head.
  17. That is awesome. I like the one guy who was like, "Did I hear a f**king Curtis in there?" in the replies.
  18. Irsay without the drugs is a very apt description. He believes very much in the team being a "Family" organization (despite firing his two sons) and has often supported bad contracts for players he liked even though there was little hope they would live up to or even be able to fulfill the contract. He's also been a thorn in the NFL's side on modernization initiatives with many votes against.
  19. I mean, you try very hard to believe silly situations like he was just making a statement. He didn't mean for anyone to be offended. You have to wrap your head far around the back to believe he didn't know what he was tweeting.
  20. Cousins will play wherever offers him the best deal. Washington or otherwise. Washington wasn't getting any discount signing him now instead of next offseason. Cousins will be overpaid no matter what.
  21. I explained this two posts above yours. It's also all over the coverage of him being fired. There were no plans to fire Gettlemen. Owner made a spur of the moment decision while Gettlemen was on vacation.
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