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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I can't believe the thread has gotten this far and no one has mentioned bringing Flutie back.
  2. They had played man pretty much all day and for every previous play on that drive then switched to zone for that last play. I think there's a valid argument that the DC made an error.
  3. Why is this guy being allowed to post multiple obvious troll threads? He even says he is trolling in them.
  4. badolbillz is wrong so much he can't even make a right turn
  5. I said they'd surprise at 8-8. They did me one better and added in the playoffs. I'll happily eat a crow if someone can catch one.
  6. What's the point of replay when they don't adhere to their own rules?
  7. Sorry, Cleveland, but the drought is now where it belongs, The Factory of Sadness.
  8. Rex Ryan is an idiot. He was on air saying the NFL forced him to play Sanchez. His defense was an unmitigated disaster. Defending him should qualify one for the asylum.
  9. It looked like an older brother sitting on top of a younger one. Then the younger brother who got sat on threw a tantrum
  10. Does it make sense to cut him? Why wouldn't they keep him and let the rookie be the backup?
  11. *crickets* We'll see them in the offseason spouting some garbage about how we lost out on the chance to take one of the top QBs
  12. I ran around in a circle screaming until I passed out for a minute
  13. just curious, what's the average for a team's former coaches to be on playoff teams? Are the Bills above that average?
  14. Seems like he is trolling dims who think winning is bad by being a caricature of them...
  15. You had a whole brigade here saying that losing Gillislee was awful, terrible and that he couldn't be replaced. That seems to not be the case.
  16. Why is there a Hot Topic and no Cold Topic?
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