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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. MAJ and BADOL are a couple of the resident trolls. No one is quite sure if they're masterful caricatures of idiot fans or just idiots.
  2. They already promoted their QB coach that guided the development of Bryce Petty and Hackenberg to their OC.
  3. Hard to tell if sarcasm...I mean i'd say it's too stupid to be real, but poster makes it questionable
  4. This is something I worry about with McDermott. Seems like we did the same thing type of thing this year in 2nd halves. It's been showing that to beat Brady you be aggressive. Teams keep doing this and then they stop...Oh, we got 10-14 points of them...now we slow them down by playing a different defense than what got us 10-14 points up on them...this plan could only come from a Very Stable Genius!
  5. the job in Detroit wasn't "respectable"...it was a disaster. You've either got a short memory or an some other strange agenda. I'd imagine he'll start to get looks again, but the guys rolodex doesn't seem to be very deep either. Who's his OC?
  6. You've been here long enough that you should know to ignore the stealth pats fans on this board.
  7. We used to play a game called studboard roulette in college. Pretty sure everyone knew that repeatedly hitting your head into something hard was not good for you. Why are athletes surprised by this?
  8. I like cheese puffs. This statement is relevant to this thread.
  9. Hey guys, I am miserable and don't like other people having success so please be miserable too. It makes me feel better.
  10. Glad we have another thread about this that offers no new insight or anything of value in the OP
  11. Gotta get him some Brady's magical juice. It even cures cancer!
  12. wow, you're going to look past the Patriots...that seems wise..
  13. Big Ben looks like he's thinking more about retirement than the game
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