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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. He started out last season, but went off a cliff and utterly disappeared. I expect this is a short term deal for rather low money.
  2. Pouncey hasn't been very good lately...why exactly do people want him based on the past couple years?
  3. It's a good thing you're asking this question, OP. The whole thread dedicated to this didn't once ask about his contract numbers.
  4. Unless they also work at the DMV then it's not credible
  5. I'm glad the OP had the courage to post this thread. Some of us wanted to discuss this topic, but no one else would make a thread on it. Cheers to you, OP.
  6. This amazing hot take needed it's own thread.
  7. Needs an option: No and you should be sterilized for posing the question at all.
  8. I'd like to shoot the messenger. I live in Texas so I think it's legal.
  9. Radio station here in Austin was interviewing a brony the other day. His name, Tom Brady.
  10. I read through the whole thing, but it seems to have left out the part where they kiss.
  11. Decoy power. I wonder what the excuse will be this time... KC paying for potential, not production.
  12. He's had a very solid career. Very understated.
  13. It's not that odd. We've seen the Cordy Glenn Injury show for 3 years now. They haven't.
  14. The draft value chart says moving up to 12 would have cost a 2nd round pick. This trade will be hard for even the negative nancy crew to dislike.
  15. I'm not sure I place a lot of stock in Cleveland's ability to pick QBs
  16. Glad we got this thread. The other two Watkins threads definitely didn't cover this.
  17. people ragged on him so much here. Glad to see he's gone on to productivity.
  18. "Fine" isn't what you're looking for at 13 million especially when coming off and injury with no plans to pay him the crazy amount he's going to want after next season.
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