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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Could the OP ban himself? Thanks,
  2. The athletic hasn't made a dime. They've simply secured funding which doesn't really mean much. In addition the list of paywall failures like the nytimes is very long. https://qz.com/1173033/the-psychology-behind-why-journalism-paywalls-still-dont-work/ https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180506/11501539779/medias-paywall-obsession-will-end-disaster-most.shtml https://om.co/2018/05/04/the-paywall-quandary-how-many-subscriptions-does-one-really-need/?curator=MediaREDEF Paywalls aren't a magic goldmine. Providing good content and engaging your audience will generally give you a number of possible business strategies that don't involve a paywall. Just throwing existing content behind a paywall is not the panacea many believe it to be...this thread alone shows that most don't find the Buffalo News worth paying for and many, like myself, didn't read it when it was free so now even if they start providing really good content, I can't see it. They're going to have to go out of their way to attract people back into the buffalo news ecosystem...
  3. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160815/09353135247/lots-newspapers-discovering-that-paywalls-dont-work.shtml http://www.niemanlab.org/2015/09/beacon-finds-partnerships-and-matching-donations-work-better-than-subscriptions-and-paywalls/ https://www.yahoo.com/news/newspapers-rethink-paywalls-digital-efforts-sputter-093036224.html
  4. The NFLPA is pointless and the idiot in charge doesn't work for all players, he works for the very top like a secondary agent. The rank and file guys have bought into his crap so they'll get thrashed in another CBA again like the last time when he promised to sue to get all the things they didn't negotiate into the CBA then lost every suit.
  5. There is certainly nothing scammy about getting paid for content, but it's extremely questionable that paywalls accomplish that goal.
  6. I didn't read him too often, but it feels weird that he won't be writing MMQB anymore.
  7. #34fan is one of the "hates everything the Bills do" guys here. He may be a fan of another AFC East team or just a miserable sod. It's unknown.
  8. What analytics are being ignored? Could you post the stats that indicate QB success in the NFL that Rosen/Allen have/don't have?
  9. Now I'm absolutely sold on Allen being the next Superstar QB.
  10. If Jets fans are laughing at you then you've probably done something right. Seriously, the GM who picked HACKENBERG in the 2nd round is the guy you're trusting for getting the right QB now?
  11. just because the shot went over your head, doesn't mean it missed the mark.
  12. You can't draft players who are already on the roster of an NFL team.
  13. You seem upset. You threw out a crackerjack to make yourself feel better. Also, reading comprehension is important. At no point did I say your idiocy means nothing to me, Scrotum Junkie. I said the statement you're so upset about it a nothing statement and it's ridiculous to be upset about someone saying that.
  14. I don't know which of the QBs drafted will make it or not, but this video gives me a great deal of confidence that Allen has a good shot. If the idiots agree it's bad then it's probably good.
  15. It was also said about a bunch of other guys who are good QBs. What a nothing statement of no import to get upset about..
  16. Some of the posters who hate this move make me think it was a really good move.
  17. Well, now that we know how it personally affects your enjoyment of the draft, we should really start complaining about the move up to get Allen.
  18. some of the particular posters on this forum who are upset by this pick give me great hope that the Bills got it right.
  19. Was that grease or were just happy to see me?
  20. Can't blame him. I'd do the same to you.
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