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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Didn't we just have this thread? Also, who cares?
  2. This has to be trolling by the OP to get a rise out of people
  3. Most of the people are reacting to the insane Sammy love that was plastered all over this board when he was traded and the strange excuses that were pasted for why he's just an average receiver and not a superstar.
  4. Former Bills player buys his mom a house and he's the greatest person that ever lived. Current Bills player buys his mom a mouse and "She probably never worked to begin with..."
  5. I think this is an awesome stream of consciousness poem.
  6. Can he ever be as good of a decoy as Sammy though? Can anyone?
  7. Don't worry. I believe in you. You are definitely wrong.
  8. but he's going to shiv them to stop them from being bullied.
  9. I hope the business model works out for them. They seem to be hiring a lot of writers. I've signed up for a year, but we'll see how their coverage is when the Bills/Sabres seasons start.
  10. If Shady is out, you give up on offense and try to win with points scored on defense.
  11. Can you be banned for making this post? Asking for a friend.
  12. She could have woken up and then had sex with them without knowing about the sex when she was out at the time. That seems too much like an episode of Law & Order: SVU for me to believe though.
  13. I don't trust Shady to not have been involved, but I don't trust his ex that he was involved either.
  14. Why hasn't your trolling arse been banned?
  15. I don't get why anyone would be for or against one of these players over the other. None of them have a ton of playing time so if one of them is better than the others...why wouldn't you play that guy?
  16. If ESPN says we overpaid then my opinion has changed and it must be a great deal.
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