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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I think Denver goes first. Elway doesn't have a lot of patience. No idea why they made that hire to begin with... Koetter probably should be first, but I think he's in a situation where he has a longer rope. I don't think Hue gets fired in-season whether he deserves it or not.
  2. Jags did not look good. How do you give up a ten yard run when they're killing the clock and you know they are running and there is 0 chance of a pass? Also, 8 runs? They were in the game almost the whole way. How do you only have 8 runs? Bortles is not a 40+ pass attempt guy.
  3. He's one of those players with all the talent in the world, but everywhere he goes there is going to be amazement that the offense isn't doing better with him on the team.
  4. Thank goodness that our long national nightmare is over
  5. So they should hire someone to hire someone? Who's to say that picking someone to hire someone is more or less difficult than hiring someone to run the teams? You do realize that a GM does exactly what you're saying? The Jets used Wolf and Casserly to hire Bowles and Mac who have been terrible so how does that make a difference?
  6. 1. You're aware the Bills were a "winning team" last season? 2. What do you think they should be doing that they're not to achieve a winning team?
  7. What exactly do you want out of them? Should they sell to another owner? Should they magically know who the "right" person is despite plenty of other teams who have the same issues? What magic do you wish?
  8. Remember back in week 1 when people were calling him a bust when he wasn't dominant in his 1st ever NFL game...
  9. Thank you Pegulas for keeping the Bills and Sabres in Buffalo.
  10. can we start banning these people who are obviously posting just to get a reaction?
  11. Cousin's *might* be a starter in the NFL, but a starter at that price? He needs to be a good starter. That game was amazing, but he's put the ball on the ground 4 times in 2 games.
  12. The only time I'll care about NE's record is the end of the season. I have doubts about their recent run of mortality.
  13. Wait, we didn't know Mack was premier pass rusher in the league before he was traded or we didn't know the Raiders didn't have anyone else that was proficient at rushing the passer?
  14. Cousins may have had a great game, but damn, gotta hang onto the ball.
  15. The Jets are talking about firing their coach and GM which means starting over...again..for them.
  16. Rodak to pen insightful article on how winning a game means you need to score more points than the other team next, but hey given the average Pats fan's familiarity with the game...it might be news to him.
  17. He agreed to it. It was negotiated as part of the CBA. This wasn't "forced" on him out of nowhere. He had every opportunity to address this through the union and CBA negotiations.
  18. James Harrison has been faking a head injury for a long time
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