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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. What a catch on that incredibly inaccurate ball
  2. You know it's a good game when Blaine Gabbert comes in
  3. Even when they went to the playoffs, McDermott and Beane cautioned that there were tough times ahead so I'm not sure they were preaching "Win now and the future". You say the 2018 was not constructed to win, but with TT and Ritchie they would be? If so, the Ritchie situation was entirely out the Bills hands. He lost his mind. Josh Allen has been better than TT so I'm not sure why TT would have been "constructed to win" Your whole post seems to be conflicting.. Anyways, I'm fine with how the year has played out. This was always going to be a year that hurt, but I think we've seen some surprising contributions from unexpected players. There hasn't been finger pointing or players bitching which is impressive. McDermott seems to have instilled the type of culture needed to win.
  4. Well, how's his high school line doing? Is their technique any good?
  5. Crossman has got to go. However, the Pegula option is stupid. They're the owners. They have to make a decision at some point even if that decision is who is going to make decisions for them.
  6. The Athletic has an article on him and says that he didn't work very hard at being good. Dropped a lot of balls. He admits to it and that even after signing with the Bills he wasn't working hard enough. Getting cut earlier in the season apparently lit a fire in him. He went all in and spent his free time working to get better, studying, practicing on his own, etc. His roommate and friend, Bills player Keith Ford said, “I’ve seen him work ever since the beginning. I already knew. He was miserable, but I can tell you he put his head down. I’ve never seen him grind so hard, because he wanted to play.” https://theathletic.com/717759/2018/12/16/that-boy-is-balling-robert-fosters-historic-production-sparks-bills-win-inspires-fellow-rookies/
  7. I don't get why these radio guys just talk incessantly....like...they never stop talking. So strange.
  8. Jags should look at getting Foles and an Andy Reid system then..their defense should rebound.
  9. BB knows the rules inside and out. He shouldn't take advantage of other teams not putting in as much work in that area as he does?
  10. He hasn't had a chance to start anywhere since he signed with the Eagles..Multiple Teams tried to acquire him to start. Eagles looking pretty good for not trading him right now.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I like Lynn and the job he's done there. I think there's guys who coach bad teams to acceptable results, coaches who can coach very good teams to very good results, guys who can coach anything and all the levels in between. Lynn just doesn't strike me as a guy who can coach a bad team and take on the organizational responsibility that's on the head coach in Buffalo. Marv Levy always struck me as the same type of coach as I perceive Lynn to be.. tl;dr I think Lynn was an exceptionally smart hire for the Charges and would have been a very bad one for the Bills.
  12. I wanted Reich for the Bills coach. He seems to have a good grasp on being the head coach and not the coordinator in chief. I wanted no part of Lynn and while I'm happy for him because he was the best part of Rex's staff. I don't think he would have enjoyed success here. I think he would have had a much harder time attracting staff to Buffalo. All that being said, I am happy with McDermott. He has the defense playing well and hasn't lost the team despite the losing. I'll be interested to see what happens with Allen at QB for a full season along with an offseason to work on his issues. If this team could put up a meager amount of points instead of an embarrassing amount then they can win 9-10 games without adding any free agents in the offseason.
  13. Amazing thread. I have quit my job to follow this thread full time.
  14. Ramsey apparently believes he has no role in stopping the run. #allstar
  15. He gets referred to as the weak link in their secondary on their forums.
  16. Darron Lee being suspended will have almost no impact on the game. He was improved this season, but improving from utter sh*tshow isn't difficult
  17. I want to know how a social studies teacher afford season tickets and can finance this lawsuit
  18. So like before the 90s when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles used it whenever they ate Pizza?
  19. They gotta stop letting Ben go into the stands..
  20. Leonard Williams has gone into hibernation who was a driving force in their ability to generate pressure and they lack talent in their rotational guys to make up for that.
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