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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. The whole thing seemed really forced. They were over the top with that whole segment. It almost felt like it was bought and paid for..
  2. I'm not a metcalf fan, but this is a silly notion. Teams make picks for all sorts of reasons and it's not always based on solely on BPA
  3. Are we sure Mortensen is alive and it's not a weekend at Bernie's situation?
  4. The former players weren't talking about how they beat the drum for Reich prior to Colt's winning streak.. Also, there's not any more Bills players in the playoffs than any other team...so not sure what he's getting at..
  5. I predict that not even Arians can make Winston an NFL QB
  6. Yes, I wish I knew these guys were fired. The suspense is killing me. There is no other possible way to know.
  7. ROFL, well, the Jets just pissed away 3 more years.
  8. On a scale of Hippo to Rhino, how happy were you with Daboll being on the Bills staff before he was promoted to OC?
  9. Who started a thread about who was GM when Peters was dealt because they don't know how Google works?
  10. What is the sun burns itself out tomorrow? Do we have a succession plan in place?
  11. Is this the first of the annual trade down threads?
  12. Some people aren't under any pressure at all to put together a complete sentence.
  13. Someone in the NFL under pressure to win? Goodness, we should hire him back and let him know that he doesn't need to win and give him a blankie so he can take frequent naps.
  14. If they don't get to the SB will you finally leave us alone and go find some other message board? Your hot takes are overdone.
  15. I'd guess it has a lot more to do with other things that happened during the season. Fournette seems like a major headache.
  16. I don't know how many of your souls I'll need to sacrifice to dark gods to make this happen, but I'm willing to do it. Rex on the Dolphins would be hilarious.
  17. He's been talking about it all year. He means guys there to play football and not collect a contract. Guys that "play for each other"
  18. I, for one, hope they keep the whole staff on in Miami. It worked so well for Rex Ryan...?
  19. I always kinda feel it's a 50/50 shot that Kiko survives each offseason. It always seems like there's a good chance he rams his head into a wall and hits a stud.
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