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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Look, I'll take pretty much every opportunity to dump on marcia, but this seems a bit much to be complaining about..
  2. @_@; he said they should explain it so that it doesn't seem to be random..so your post doesn't make sense.
  3. I really don't get the gase love going around. He's done nothing without Peyton Manning at QB and running the offense. He was a loser in Miami, disliked by player and staff alike, and the numbers are against him in being a HC going to another team immediately (it's not gone well for other coaches who don't take time off/another position). They have no receivers (worse off than the Bills even) and the tight end who showed some promise last season is suspended for 4 games. Their offensive line looks grim, but hey they have Bell...I guess? On top of that, Gregg William's defense have ranked poorly since the mid 2000s and worse since his return to football. Their secondary outside of Adams is a disaster. Their d-line is questionable and seems to be hoping that Q williams can carry the whole thing.
  4. This makes zero sense. They didn't suspend him after suspending players with less evidence or for smoking weed. There is EVIDENCE and strangled her that he punched the woman and there is EVIDENCE he threatened her which is much more than they had on other players they suspended. He's not even denying those things happened. My complaint was specifically that they suspended other players for less. It's clear that you've some crusade. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you.
  5. I'm not sure how you managed to be so incredibly wrong about so much in one paragraph, but you did it. Cheers to you. The league has no such impetus that they need "proof" to suspend players. How do you not know that they've suspended players often without any criminal or civil complaints? I don't understand how you read this message board and can be so out of touch. They've also just suspended *multiple* players without a recording of the player making a threat. Recently. Not sure how you have missed it.
  6. I've generally not been upset about the league's discipline seeming random and light, but this really seems to be confusing given other recent suspensions.
  7. Baker mayfield thinks a lot of things. I wish I didn't have to hear about each and every one of them.
  8. Strange. I expected the article to mention Terry Tate
  9. Sounds like some prime Asset Forfeiture. That money almost certainly commited a crime.
  10. I don't the league is deadset on 18 games. I think the proposals will basically be a bargaining chip for the league. You want this...we want 18 games and then if they don't get 18 games, it will be all "oh, look at what we gave up in the 18 game season" and we'll have yet another laugh at how ineffectual De'maurice Smith is..
  11. I'm shocked it's only two. He must have offered to cut his own pen_s off to get just two.
  12. I'd rather see bankruptcy proceeding out of them than the swimsuit edition
  13. All I know is he makes more money than either of our starting safeties and he doesn't perform better than either of them while costing the Jets the 6th overall draft pick.
  14. So you asked a loaded question and got the results you'd expect. Congratulations?
  15. pft is tmz for the nfl. THey constantly make stuff up just to rile people up and people continually fall for it and then run to their respective forum to post it
  16. ROFL. He *WAS* traded. I can't believe you wrote this whole rant and were wrong. Regardless of what may have influenced the trade...he was traded. That is what happened so what is your actual complaint? https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=2788847
  17. Ok. I've noted this down and will refer to my notes on this matter. I assure you we are giving this the highest priority.
  18. I know you had a point you wanted to make and didn't really care what you quoted to make that point, but your comment doesn't make sense given the ongoing conversation.
  19. Not being the worst at something doesn't indicate you're goods at something... What does anything on this forum matter to anyone's life? Why do people post here at all?! Josh Allen being a success? What does it matter to your life? Gronk donating money? Why bother posting about it. It doesn't matter to your life!
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