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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. looking like pre-season for everyone except the defense;
  2. Also looked like he started trying to run before he caught it too
  3. Personally, I'm hoping that Brady gets hurt watching Allen throw a 70 yards in the air bomb and when he jumps up to yell "WTF" he stubs his toe and is out for the season.
  4. Yea, why should people be able to live in the area they work in...and poor people give up their rights by being poor when it inconveniences me.
  5. I predict a lot of ridiculous over reactions on this board.
  6. pfew, glad we got a separate thread for this. It's THAT important.
  7. Who's the combination? There's Adams...and? Maye? Is he ever going to play again?
  8. eh, the real entertainment for the Raiders won't be until about 4 games into the season..
  9. Well, if Chris Trapasso says it...then my opinion hasn't changed at all
  10. because they have Adam Gase who's presided over offense in the bottom half of the league for several years or because they have Gregg Williams whose defense have been in the bottom 3rd of the league for the last several years on multiple different teams? Is is their level of talent on the defense that actually seems to be worse than last season? Is it Sam Darnold who had a higher interception rate than Allen? Maybe it's the Jets offensive line that ranked as badly as the Bills line did last season and the only significant addition was a guy who ranked out lower than their existing terrible lineman? ..but this is you so it probably comes down to "They aren't the Bills"
  11. If a civil case is the bar then there's a lot of guys in the hall who now need to be up for discussion whether they belong. The burden of proof for a civil case is not the same thing as a criminal trial. Also, sometimes it's ok to let people be uncomfortable with something so you don't have to apply standards that are unique to one individual to everyone.
  12. You can't ignore the criminal trial because it doesn't get the desired result. Why would give a civil court more weight than a criminal one when generally, it's the other way around? ..but this proves my point...removing him would create an endless debate about a lot of guys in the hall. Where exactly is the line because your view sounds a lot like, "I'll know it when I see it"
  13. If your idea of "better" is very literal in they may have 1-2 more wins. Writing an article like this though, the implication would be a significant improvement.
  14. Sam Young isn't very good, but they need a camp body now.
  15. The problem is then you open a can of worms on debating the virtue of everyone in HOF. A lot of them weren't very good people. Removing him would shine a big light on him and his removal. it would be an endless debate whether so and so should be removed from the Hall. ..and miscarriage of justice that it was, he wasn't convicted. So you'd have that debate of is it a legal conviction or public opinion? Sometimes, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.
  16. People are really worked up about an automated system detecting a guy hadn't been tested..
  17. Let's also take a moment to appreciate what a terrible idea it is to hire a head coach immediately after he was fired by another team in your own division.
  18. I thought new people couldn't make threads for this very reason...
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