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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. There was a lot of talk they might cut him. He certainly wasn't fine. He was consistently burned all season long. He admitted that he played at an embarrassing level.
  2. Yeah, all the signs look good so far, but how many times have we seen a team look great in pre-season then the regular season comes and it's a much bigger struggle. I mean, I think the Bill are 9-10 wins, but reading too much into pre-season is always a bad idea.
  3. Uhh....what? That is a borderline insane statement.
  4. I'm kinda hoping Trumaine Johnson is healthy...he's not good.
  5. It's a pre-season game. The #1 thing on everyone's mind should be getting out healthy.
  6. That doesn't happen except in your own mind. Please, feel free to go back to the official BBMB though.
  7. Jets defense last season: 25th Gregg Williams Last season: 30th Jets fans: #1 defense this year!
  8. those facts I posted must have hurt you. Don't worry little edgy engine that could, I'm sure Allen will throw an incompletion then you'll have your time to shine.
  9. Falcons were the 28th ranked defense last season. Giants the 24th. I like the trolls trying to stir up drama about Darnold looking good against two of the worst defense in the NFL in preseason.
  10. I'm really enjoying the narrative that is starting to come out in the national/oakland press that Peterman is actually good. Like, the barest minimum of effort would tell you he has been a pre-season warrior and sucked in the regular season. It's nice to watch it all play out again, but not in Buffalo
  11. The Bills should just do that.Have him throw like 60 interceptions between now and the start of the season on purpose so we can watch the heads explode.
  12. His biggest fear came true then..he would have been much happier had someone suffered an injury and he could crow about it
  13. Actually thought reporting his "news" was banned.
  14. As long as they stick to their pre-approved places and don't make me feel uncomfortable..
  15. given the poster...are you surprised? The patriots and Belichick did the same exact thing with Detroit, but what does BB know about football?
  16. Eh, it's still a rental for the trade value. If they sign him to an extension/new contract that's a good idea if you trade for him, but you're still only trading for 1 year of his existing contract (if the new contract doesn't void out the old one) I don't see how it makes sense for the Bills though unless the compensation is low in which case, why would other teams who have a greater need not match?
  17. That would be insane. I think 30M for him would be pushing it. That much cap dedicated to a non-game changing QB pretty much guarantees you won't win a Superbowl
  18. Shady has had kind of a disappointing off-season. He needs to have like 3 women over who steal like 1 million dollars worth of jewelry so he can outdo Bell.
  19. He's unlikely to miss week 1. He's bad so we should hope he plays.
  20. I mean if Keim didn't get fired for being drunk when hiring coaches and at the draft then this guy probably doesn't need to worry
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