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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I predict something resembling football will be played
  2. Also, we'd like to take this moment to inform everyone that water is wet
  3. He's looked good against backups. When he faced starters last week, he didn't look as good though. I think Flores is wise to not start him. They can wait until mid-season after Fitz has sucked for a few games and everyone knows their season is over.
  4. This Miami/Jax game has been painful to watch.
  5. haha, no. It's Davis, his backup. Mills hasn't looked very good either though.
  6. Ramsey got beat by a rookie. Lucky he had Fitz throwing a deep ball.
  7. I'd play Allen for a couple drives. If they look in sync, get the starters out of there.
  8. It was a good play, but he wasn't blocked at all too
  9. I think Washington has something to say about that
  10. I'll be surprised if he ever plays a full season again
  11. If you were getting a Zeke who would play under his existing deal, sure. Zeke wants to be the highest paid RB out there. He's turned down a very good deal already and has invested into getting the deal he wants. It's the fact you're paying him ***** wide receiver money that's the reason you don't give up a pick for him. Connor replacing AB should teach people a lesson about even all world rbs in the league right now.
  12. Well, I'm sold that McDermott and Frazier have some secret agenda to pump up Murphy now. I definitely trust people on here over them when it comes to defense. They haven't had the results there to earn my trust.
  13. Why do people even post these? Is it really worth getting the "cool" points?
  14. How many times do we have to go over this, guys? You have to specify regular season Peterman or pre-season Peterman. Also, hasn't JA started more games than Jimmy G has now?
  15. Well, I know paying a RB is foolish and I know paying an average QB over 30 million means I'm not going to win a Superbowl so I don't do those things.
  16. stop giving him free publicity and maybe he will go away. jfc
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