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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Of course he knew. 99% chance he is responsible. Has anyone seen Luck's family?
  2. I'm sure you do. The point is the the NFL isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. Maybe in 100 years when everybody plays spaceball instead, but it won't be lawsuits that kill it and there will be no shortage of players when there's multi-million dollar salaries involved.
  3. I stated it...right in the post you quoted. Lynn came into a team ready to compete. If he was on the hotseat in year 3 to compete for a Superbowl, that would be easy to understand. Perhaps, not wise and likely not the case, but wouldn't be crazy if he has a bad year.
  4. Not that I think Lynn is in trouble, but it's easy to see the reason he could be...he came into a team that had Phillip Rivers.
  5. I'll still take the Colts over the Titans. Reich seems to be a very solid coach and Brisset may not be a long term starter, but I think he can win them 9 games. They didn't win last season on the strength of Luck's QBing alone.
  6. If Frank Reich un-retires and QBs for the Colts, I'm rooting for them to win the Superbowl...even over the Bills.
  7. Drat, I was really looking forward to Andrew Luck Excuse Thread 2020 too
  8. I can't blame him, but the timing is an awful thing to do a team.
  9. Wow, shocking. Players retiring at half time is becoming a thing.
  10. The Jets looked like the Bills before that drive. Darnold threw a pick that was dropped...sounds familiar.. Jets corners are not good. Greggo will have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to prevent them from being in single coverage too often.
  11. I see, Spain, is the player that going to be the "get rid of him at all costs regardless of actual play" player this year.
  12. it's almost like they weren't playing their offensive scheme at all and running the ball a whole lot. Strange that they said they were going to do that then actually did it. I don't understand why they wouldn't say that they were going to run a lot then go and so the opposite. Should have run their full blown gameplan for the Jets.
  13. Yea, no place for that here! Only hot takes and trolls allowed!
  14. The future GOAT, Mayfield is 10/26 for 72 yards and 1 int for those of you over-reacting to Josh Allen being 3/6 for for 49 yards.
  15. It seems pretty obvious (I mean other than them flat out saying they were going to run McCoy and Gore a lot) that they don't care about scheming an offense to win this game, but have something specific in mind to do out there
  16. because no one has told them that BB played his starters yet...they just heard McVay didn't play his
  17. Coches: we're gonna run Gore and McCoy a lot. They run McCoy and Gore a lot. Forum Posters: O_O
  18. uhh..did one of these refs bet big on a preseason game?
  19. just like people shouldn't have been putting the team in the playoffs last week, people shouldn't be jumping off cliffs this week
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