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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I feel like this game is going to be a lot tougher than it should be..
  2. the dolphins line is so bad that replacing a starter might be an improvement
  3. ..but how would he solve the "pass rusher" need when it would be a stretch to believe he'd be able to replace any of the current players on the roster..and he would cost more..and if he somehow managed to return to form then he'd want a hefty mutli-year contract? Trading for him would make no sense...unless Atlanta is giving up something to get rid of him..
  4. Why did you describe yourself like your someone else?
  5. turns out he questioned using TB12 and why he had to sell it to 20 other people...so he got the hammer
  6. the way people get enamored with certain players is crazy. What part of this guy's game would be of value to the Bills?
  7. I said it before the season and have since...If Lynn misses the playoffs, I think he's done.
  8. Is it me or does the whole league just look like crap this year? Even the "good" teams look like they have significant warts.
  9. Washington (front office) wants to win the game to justify letting Gruden go...Miami does not. Rosen may indeed suck (and I predicted he'd be bad), but I've long been of the mind that many "serviceable" starter QBs are more about development/situation than outright talent and it would be hard to say he's been in an environment he could succeed in
  10. Ouch, Ray ray's fumble is a touchdown for the bucs. I'm concerned Carolina won't trust Beane anymore.
  11. I'll be watching the Jets gets their face smashed in
  12. Remember when all Sammy needed was a real QB? ..and he had way more talent than Zay does
  13. I'd say the realistically fixable thing is pre-snap penalties. Fix those and you sustain more drive. Bills score more points. Teams start to change the way they defend the Bills and longer passes open up more. The second thing is to keep Allen focusing on not making mistakes. Defenses are ok with him beating them on shorter routes because they assume he'll make a mistake eventually. When they have the penalties come down and Allen doesn't make mistakes, they have to start stopping the shorter game and that opens up the longer game. They also need to figure out the run game. They've been able to move the ball, but the run game is either in-frequent, ineffective or both. The last drive Tenn knew the Bills were going to run and couldn't stop it. Where was that earlier in the game?
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if he inquired. Beane definitely seems like the type of guy who will ask just so he has the knowledge of what the price is even if he has no intention of making a deal.
  15. If, for some reason, the Bills are trading for a RB, and trading with the Chargers...is Gordon even the RB you'd want off that team?
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