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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. because they play in a division with the patriots and have missed the playoffs for years..losing teams are sellers.
  2. They drafted a gunslinger and have forced him into playing against his natural instincts...and it hasn't reduced the turnovers anyway. They should refine his abilities, not try to change him into an entirely different QB
  3. It would be nice if Daboll's brain damage healed up and he started calling games more like he did last season. The offense was bad last season, but it was bad because they had crap players. It's bad this season because the offensive strategy has been mind boggling.
  4. He seems to have the exactly opposite problem. Instead of going to simple plays, he keeps calling stupid "imaginative" crap
  5. Absolutely inexcusable. Daboll needs to answer for that one.
  6. I thought Daboll was ok last year, but what the hell happened...his playcalling is absolutely atrocious this year.
  7. I really hope the media asks about the constant pre-snap penalties. The offense is struggling and these pre-snap penalties are just killers.
  8. If the Eagles keep this up, refs need to eject someone soon to keep this game under control.
  9. I hate the lack of aggressiveness on this defense. They have one of the better secondaries in the league, but they are among the very lowest in how often they blitz. If you're not getting there with your front 4 then do something about it. However, in the end, the defense has allowed fairly few points. The problems lies on the offense.
  10. This is the kind of out of the box thinking the Bills need. Surprise teams by scoring with your defense and stopping the other team from scoring with your offense! Who hasn't wanted to see JA play linebacker?!
  11. So your post is strange...it talks about how great it is to have a generational QB, but doesn't address how tanking is A) A problem B) A reasonable strategy to acquire a generational QB Let's just say that the Brown's have been purposely tanking for the last ten years. That's 33 out of 320 "seasons" of tanking. All related to one team...who still isn't any good. SRo what is the expectation on how many more seasons they need to "tank" to get the next Manning/Brees/Brady? Who's copying their model of "tanking" to win? Tanking isn't a problem in the NFL. People trying to say it's a problem are talking in abstract things that might happen and even then can't quantify how it would negatively impact the league. Tanking is something some people don't "like", not a problem.
  12. You're right that have a couple "purposely" bad teams won't make a dent. The NFL always has a couple really, really bad teams. The Browns haven't been tanking. They've just been incompetent. The NBA is totally different animal (warning: I don't follow the NBA). Unless you can draft Peyton Manning, you're unlikely to have a player *worth* tanking. The NFL Draft is entirely different than the NBA, MLB or NHL. Also, if Miami turns it around..it's not the "tanking" to get the first overall pick that's really going to be the catalyst. It would be the trades to stockpile early round picks. The "benefit" of tanking in the NFL isn't getting the 1st overall pick. It's getting a flurry of picks and cap space.
  13. He's not good. He wasn't good with the raiders last season and has been a tire fire for the Jets. The Jets benched him. It had nothing to do with an injury. He's also not signed for "years". He's signed through next year and the Jets can cut him this offseason to free up over 11 million in cap room. The Jets do not have a ton of space. Currently, they will be 24th in free cap space. Now, they're not in a *bad* cap position because they can cut a lot of guys like Osmele to free up room.
  14. Are they? Maybe when your team struggles against them. A lot of fans enjoy their team blowing out another team. Regardless, how is Miami worse than the Lions or the Browns though? Jets? Washington? In fact, Miami almost beat a team on a trajectory for the playoffs last week. There's also the problem that it doesn't work. Miami getting the #1 overall pick doesn't guarantee anything. It's not even likely that getting the #1 overall pick registers an impact. There's no tangible problem here. It's a bunch of noise from some people who don't "like" it.
  15. He was paid well beyond the next player at his position. He played well for 1 half of football and the whispers are he's done for the season with his groin. Otherwise, this doesn't look good for the Jets and I seriously question what benefit they get out of taking this stance with the player even though I think what the Jets are saying is true. The point is..even if it *is* true..your best case scenario is getting a guy back who doesn't want to be there and you benched because he sucked. Eat the loss, let him have the surgery and find a new team in the offseason. Also, the notion that this will cause problems with free agents is silly. Free Agents will almost always go where the money is best.
  16. Don't get me wrong, I love Allen, but the questioning of Goff based on his play this season started weeks ago and is only growing. So I'm not sure that the stats of a QB that people are saying is proving he's not a franchise player are the best way to pump up another player with similar stats.
  17. Well, if you like watching train wrecks..get ready because this is how you get train wrecks
  18. Never heard of him until your post giving him attention which it's his job to get attention so good job on helping someone you think is incompetent be better at their job.
  19. It's tough to say. The entire NFL has been extremely sloppy this season. Even the "Can't miss" teams like the Chiefs, Patriots, Rams, etc don't look like well oiled machines.
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