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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. him being a decoy (on the bench mostly) is what allows that offense to function!!! Just you wait, he's only had guys like McVay and Reid coaching him. They aren't known for being great offensive minds.
  2. Belichick is always ahead of the curve. The league had put too much importance on "serviceable" QB play that Great/Good QBs are sticking around longer to become average QBs. The pain of not having a QB broke the minds of the NFL team's personnel. Look at how many "backups" have come in and had success and then you have teams like the Chargers and Atlanta desperately clinging to guys who have lost the ability to carry a team.
  3. Don't forget the Jets letting a 2nd winless team beat them up for their 1st win of the season
  4. This guy is embarrassing to the league. It's like he won a contest to be head coach.
  5. He deserves after going back to Foles. It was the cowardly move. Their only points today came after Minshew came in. Allen has some issues that hopefully get worked out, but not having a QB makes teams pay Bortles and Foles 130M
  6. So you think they'd be 45-0 if they threw for 300 yards in all of those games? You replied to someone saying there is some nuance to stats because QBs throwing for over 300 yards are losing with "No, they're not 45-0"? Oh, you went and made it worse by saying the defense isn't as good as their stats. So now stats only require nuance in certain situations that fit your narrative. Maybe it's nap time?
  7. Prepare your buttholes and don't jump off the bridge if the game goes the way it seems like it will..
  8. Carmen Sandiego's middle name is Isabella. Now you know.
  9. Glad the team figured out they should..like...play him..a lot.
  10. It's the problem with paying for a non-elite QB. The market dictates that average...even below average guys get paid at the top of the market if they have any success which turns around and prevents them from being surrounded by the type of talent they had when they were on their rookie deal which then goes to show that they were below average to average. Teams are in the terrible position of having to pay them though because without a QB, you're sunk and taking the risk that you can get similar production from someone else is too much of a risk with jobs on the line.
  11. ..and every other year? This year? Basing your opinion off a single year is generally a bad idea.
  12. The thread is fine, a lot of us are just getting tired of your schtick
  13. If the Bills were paying me, a borderline special teamer, a couple million more than I should be making...I'd think they were a well run organization too. Not knocking the Bills as I like what McBeane are doing, but these type of stories always come with caveat
  14. This reads more like a list of why you don't pay a RB money...How many of those guys are clearly separated from the rest?
  15. I voted for him on purpose. Keep the legend alive (as long as the Bills aren't paying for him)
  16. Excellent advice, drink more so you don't have to be hungover. After all, being is just a state of mind.
  17. So...get drunk now and worry about the hangover later? Done and done, my friend.
  18. There's a contingent on this board that is more interested in Allen failing so they can be 'right' than anything else. I don't know if they're miserable Bills fans, fans of other teams, or just like to argue, but there's a solid contingent of them. They also think that being critical of Allen's shortcomings is the same thing as being obscenely negative about everything he does.
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