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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Players will fight tooth and nail against individual contract limits because of the lottery syndrome. Even while most players will never see a 40 million dollar contract, they all want to believe they will.
  2. I thought (and still do) that Bell was overrated and the Jets signing him was a mistake. I didn't think he could reproduce his success on the Steelers elsewhere (..and he didn't) and would be a huge distraction/selfish guy. I was wrong on his attitude and behavior. He did whatever was asked of him behind a terrible line. He didn't complain. He didn't cause problems in the locker room. He publicly defended his coaches and teammates. He gave a ton of effort even if he didn't have the results so it's really strange that the Jets would do this bush league sniping with anonymous comments. ..but it's the Jets and Gase so sounds about right.
  3. It's generally a good idea to stop doing what brought you success.
  4. I don't think it makes sense for Daboll. One more year and if he makes the Bills offense..mediocre then he can write his ticket in the NFL. His pedigree and then taking an awful offense up to bad and then mediocre would have him generating a lot of buzz. Given that he projects to returns most of his starters or possibly upgrade them and the continuity of a 3rd year, his prospects look better in Buffalo look much better than trying to turn around a program in flux where you need a bigger name than Daboll's to pull in recruits.
  5. ..people still haven't realized that trolling is good business. They say something outlandish and the internet gets in a hubbub thus driving traffic. Basically, they cause car crash to attract onlookers.
  6. They got a stern letter from Goodell letting them know that from now on, he is only going to squat when he gives them a bj instead of getting down all the way on his knees.
  7. because if you're exceedingly desperate to work in the NFL then you take the job. Those who have other options in the NFL won't, but there's plenty who will take the worst HC job because it's still a HC job.
  8. That's what I'm afraid of...and the level of ballwashing where we were one step away from the quote "It was good decision by Brady to throw that pick 6"
  9. I'm glad Reid got his ring. Tired of hearing the 'He's a good coach, buuuuut....' I'm already tired of the next year of the ballwashing of Mahomes though
  10. I'll reiterate the point that was made to me, it's the "Hall of Fame", not the "Hall of Best". In that regard, I'd say yes, he should be in.
  11. No one has claimed sammy is bright. Has a horsehose up his arse for sure.
  12. I specifically asked that you not change the goalposts. "Big" Advances that did not use public money. You came up with this and you can't name one. Maybe it's time to admit the 'public' is involved in most medical advances?
  13. Could you provide the 1 example. Remember, you said this exists so it shouldn't be this hard to get it out of you.
  14. Just asking for one that was developed without public money being invested into it. "In a recent analysis, published in the journal PNAS, researchers found that American tax dollars helped fund the basic research that went into every single one of the drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 2010 and 2016 — including several cancer immunotherapies. All told, $100 billion in National Institutes of Health research grants helped advance the science behind those drugs." I get you believe in your theory. I'm asking you to make me believe. If what you posit is true, then finding a single example of 'big' medical advancement that wasn't supported by public money should be simple. I'd also ask you refrain from throwing out random medical stuff and then having me disprove it as that is not providing an example. You should have some sort of data that shows public money wasn't used in the development. Throwing out random stuff that you don't know whether it used public money or not is not an example and tends to be more of a frothing at the mouth desperate to prove your belief regardless of data type of deal and we certainly don't want that to be your reputation. I'd also ask you not do something silly like 'move the goalposts' and claim that even though it was public money that a private company developed it. Let's keep the focus on that one example that didn't use public money which, again, should be easy to find.
  15. I'm curious. What are some of the big advancements that came about from US companies without using public money?
  16. Why the Superbowl isn't on a Saturday is perplexing. The argument I've always heard about the "NFL" wanting to 'own' Sunday and more 'competition' on Saturdays doesn't really make sense to me.
  17. I saw him play last season. He already retired.
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