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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Justifiable, but you always kind of hope people won't adhere to a "screw everybody else as long as I get mine" philosophy.
  2. Would you if you knew that it meant every project you worked on was now going to fail because you're the only engineer they can afford and now you work with people that have the skill set of career politicians instead of engineers?
  3. You should listen more closely. It's a 1 year deal and you pay a higher salary for that. He may be cut before he ever takes the field and the deal allows the Bills to do that without much in the way of complications.
  4. He's a flyer that they hope is better than he looked. You're looking at him being in contention for the 3rd-5th CB spot on a deal that has no lasting impact. The mantra has been competition and this deal seems to fit that perfectly.
  5. No..why are people obsessed with acquiring players who are trending downwards and aging at positions where aging catches up to them quickly...
  6. Every player has an individual coach. It's the exception that a player doesn't work with coaches outside the team that they hire already. There's also likely coaches that aren't team coaches, but work with the player with the team's involvement. I'm not terribly familiar with it in the NFL, but Hockey has "speed" and "skating" coaches that show up at the team practices and work with the player outside of practices as well. Given the money and the degree of mastery involved, it's not a far stretch to envision the number of coaches/players being 1:1. I'd suspect it's around 1:3-5 right now.
  7. Jets being top ten on yards is misleading. They weren't very good in some other areas like sacks/rushing/3rd downs.
  8. I'm sure any and all success stems from your inability to criticize others more successful than you.
  9. So like only Bill Gates can criticize Jess Bezos...well, that's a bold position. Also, before we can continue criticizing each other's argument here, we better determine which one of us is more successful in their field of work.
  10. I get what you're going for, but it's a fan forum. This is like going to a strip club and complaining about the patrons not acting like good Christians. Things are going to embellished and people are going to say things in a more extreme manner than they likely really feel. Also, the idea that people can't criticize someone if they don't have the equivalent of success in their field that the person they are criticizing has in theirs is sort of a strange one.
  11. Rosen was destined to be a wasted pick. Allen may or may not turn out to be a FQB, but either way, he's not a wasted pick. He's got a shot to develop. So I would have felt bad. I never believed that Rosen was going to make it. Rosen/Mayfield were the two I believed would be tire fires.
  12. Don't worry about how you get in as long as you didn't exploit the rules.
  13. No, it's never been important to current players unless it meant higher salaries *now*. It's only important to them afterwards when they suffer the effects and the money has run out.
  14. ... We're talking about Ngakoue, not clowney. Message boards aren't that hard.
  15. Yes. I'd actually say that $15 is a bargain given the rising salaries in the NFL and the LT position compared against the quality of his play.
  16. I've always been of the mind that "drafting" is pretty easy. Development is the hard part. There's few secrets about how talented, motivated, etc that players are and that most guys that get drafted (in the top 3 rounds especially) are all able to be good players. I think that any talent evaluation and drafting apparatus is capable of making mostly good picks. However, the hard part is ensuring that you have the services/training/support structure to accommodate the player you drafted and is where teams fail. Whether you say it's part of drafting to know that you do/don't have that the means to ensure the success of that player could be drafting, but I hold the two as separate because an NFL team has the resources and should be able to put a program in place for almost any player who passes the bar to be in the upper rounds to succeed.
  17. He's been pretty clear about what he feels on his own self worth (and I'd say he's not just looking for top 5...he wants to be #1). I knew he had 8 sacks, but I didn't know that had him tied for 33rd in the league last season.
  18. Numbers declining for the 3rd straight year and not being in the top 20 for sacks doesn't scream make him the highest paid DE on a long term deal to me, but someone is going to do it and expect him to play up to that contract thus Fool's Gold.
  19. I think they said no to paying for it. Which leaves a lot of room for negotiations in them giving tax breaks, paying for other renovations around the stadium, etc, etc. Also...the whole when does what they 'say' mean anything?
  20. Is Cooper the right receiver? Is water really wet? What about sars or the flu? I have no problem with her being your cousin.
  21. He was not good the last 2 years. So if McDermott can do it with a castoff from Miami...what does Dareus bring that another castoff won't? Attitude? Effort? Hunger (not the kind to be filled with cheeseburgers)?
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