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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'm sure the Vikings would find not paying Kirk Cousins' contract refreshing
  2. Oh, is that all? A lot of people were beating the drum for Housley. He had the resume that said he should be a head coach. Obviously, in hindsight, it didn't work out, but acting like Botteril or Housley were ridiculous hires is off the mark.
  3. He should have done every team's fans on the Hopkins trade and the "WTF, Why didn't we trade for him then?!"
  4. Hastened it's end, but XFL was going to die before it ever began
  5. lol, you're so butthurt you just have to make up strawmen. What is it the three of you don't understand about this thread?
  6. I like how the white knights that are trying to get in Gilmore's pants in this thread don't wanna talk about his first season with NE...
  7. He forgot he wasn't wearing pants and stood up on the zoom meeting
  8. Unfortunately, in your crusade to be upset, you can't get out of your own way enough to realize that there's few, if any, people truly upset in this thread. Most are just having a good time with it..then the "Let me tell you about all the reality that only *I* can see" people show up and lead to them getting butthurt when no one recognizes their keen insights. So enjoy the pain killers, you're going to need a lot of them.
  9. Watkins is a jag. Yes, he's capable of putting together a game or two that's good, but he doesn't have consistency. He lacks the mental fortitude to be a consistent player. If he's the 3rd receiving option he can occasionally beat the 3rd guy in coverage and have a good matchup. He can be replace by about 50 other guys in the league who'd have the same or better production on KC. There's a reason he took a paycut.
  10. The tweet is apparently wrong. Other places like nfl.com say it's 7 million base which sounds more reasonable than 9 for a jag vet.
  11. Exactly. Taylor is just the type of guy you want in front of the rookie. He doesn't turn it over, he works hard, but he's not good enough to keep your rookie off the field for the whole season. It lets your rookie play his way onto the field after having a few games for fans to get frustrated with Tyrod so they will gush over whomever the rookie is even if they suck.
  12. Reid is throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get what he wants and he is invalidating any arguments he had about unfair treatment by trying to use this as a platform for a re-vote. It's deceptive and dishonest. He knows it and while he had some valid points is showing that he was simply using those points for his own self-interest.
  13. given the frequency of injuries on the offensive line, it's a good thing to have
  14. Competition. If he's healthy he can compete and push the other players at the position or pie in the sky, start at CB2.
  15. He's not #1 even if he is the best receiver they have
  16. Well, there's very few people as wrong as peter king so we got that going for us
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