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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Signing Clowney would really be outside the box for Beane. Clowney has middle of the pack production, wants to be paid like he's top 5, and doesn't have the type of attitude he generally looks for..everything about Clowney screams desperation signing for whatever team gives into the type of money he wants. Desperation signing rarely work out. Why would you pay top 5 money to a guy that struggles with consistency? Seems like you're setting yourself up to be disappointed with a guy like that once he gets paid.
  2. Might be my favorite pick. You absolutely should draft QBs even if you believe you have one. A. You need a backup B. It puts pressure on Allen. If you preach competition, you need competition. From has a different skillset than Allen does and he should be able to push Allen in those areas at least. C. If the guy shows anything at all, you either have a backup on a good contract or trade bait. Options which has been beane's MO. Give himself as many options as possible.
  3. The Bills organization hasn't shown much interest in trying to move him inside especially before he has a chance to fail at tackle. It's the fans posting on message boards that keep wanting him to move inside.
  4. they picked a CB...can everyone breathe now? I think the Bills view their CB depth more favorably than posters on this board do..
  5. I suspect 1 or 2 of them are actually fans of other AFC East teams.
  6. The same thing they have been preaching. Competition. If all Bass does is get Hauschka back to form then it's worth the pick.
  7. See the post above right above yours...and then re-evaluate your life.
  8. The whole "we could have gotten him a round later" is an incredibly stupid take as well. Maybe, maybe not. If he can contribute, does it ultimately matter if he was a 3rd or 4th round pick? It also is dependant on who you get in the 4th. There's so many possible permutations of how things work out. It's just a crutch for those people that need to complain about something. Last season people lost their minds because you could have taken Singletary in the 4th! Now...he was a bargain as a 3rd.
  9. then why are you using so much of it? Diggs is what you *hope* a rookie WR turns into, but you want to draft a chance at becoming Diggs...just curious, what magic stats and ranking makes a WR "Great"?
  10. every team thinks they can get WRs later apparently
  11. Another team was likely trying to trade ahead of bucs. So they offered compensation for the 49ers to only move back 1 spot that made taking what the other team further back was offering less attractive
  12. even if they were there...you're hoping to hell they manage to be as good as Diggs..and the odds aren't good on that happening.
  13. The thing I've said that makes Beane different from a lot of the Bills GMs over the last 20 years or so is that he has a plan and he executes it. Other GMs have made trade-ups / big moves, but it often felt that they were were one off moves and didn't feel like there was a 'team building' aspect to them. Many of Beane's moves feel like they're coordinated and planned in conjunction with each other. Also, my natural inclination is to trade down, but I think a reasonable goal is 3 players who play a significant amount of snaps of draft. If you get at least 3 of those guys every season, I think you have a solid base to keep your talent level. So if trading up gets you those guys then great.
  14. I think this he may the defining move of Beane's career. ..and a crazy hot take, his career in Buffalo is considered more successful than Hopkins career in Arizona (not saying Diggs is the better player)
  15. Jags should take 19 and run. That's way more than I thought they'd end up with given the whole twitter tirade, his attitude, and monetary demands.
  16. There is no Fitzpatrick cycle for Tannehill. He is just meh all the time.
  17. No, holy hell, not every single player needs to be brought in on a 'prove it deal' or 'camp body'. This guy has had shot after shot. I know some of you think, "there's no negative whatsoever to bring a guy in", but there is..it takes time, attention, resources away from other players. You can only evaluate so many people and every person brought in lowers the amount for the rest. You can't bring in 500 guys for a looksee and maintain a solid process for evaluating them.
  18. The allegations are concerning. Unfortunately, Tim's shoddy sports writing (not Journalism) means that without citing legitimate sources (anonymous sources don't count(a Journalist knows you need to cite your source as accurately as possible and make every effort to get them to attach as much identifying information as possible). That out of ~40 people, he couldn't get one to put their name or even an accurate description of their role tells me the writer was more interested in 'dirt' than accuracy. Graham's unprofessional behavior in the past makes him akin to a partisan news network. They may be reporting accurately, but unfortunately, they've lost their authority and trust so they have to prove it beyond a doubt now...except to others who have a vested interest in believing the narrative they present.
  19. and yet... using all those resources still can't find a GM or hire someone who can find a GM that has any kind of sustained success. I'm sure, that all those resources brought to bear by all those owner are really just lacking your keen insight. Here's hoping they recognize your genius soon.
  20. I'm not sure why you'd believe that an NFL team would prefer to pay a player over not pay a player, but sure, ok. I guess maybe they would just be like, look, our revenue stream has dried up, but we're still going to pay you, kirk. We may not have anyone watching, but we'll make damn well sure that you're still getting paid. It's inconceivable that a functioning adult that somehow managed to register for this forum doesn't understand that all revenue in sports is derived from fans even the network TV deal. No fans = no money.
  21. There's a certain amount of circular logic here...They're not experts. The 'experts' can't afford a team (and are usually wrong when they get hired to pick). The Pegulas have to hire someone..either the GM or the people who hire the GM. Blaming them outright for Murray and Botterill is long road to hoe because both had the resume to recommend they become GMs. There's no science to it (or perhaps better to say that there are way too many variables involved to accurately predict successful GMs) that the Pegulas are just *bad* at and could be working harder to get better at.. Sure, you can hang around and be like, "I never wanted them! I'd be better at picking the GM!", but a couple things there. You likely wouldn't and you have the lovely ability of not actually having to put your picks where your mouth is...you never actually have to see how your decisions play out. This idea that because the Pegula's bought a team that they should suddenly have some sort of magic ability to pick a GM that is better than the GMs of 15+ other teams is sort of a silly idea. Reality also kinda demands that if you're going to point out something wrong, what's the alternative? Who's the magical owner with the mastery of hockey knowledge that should be running the sabres? Who's the magic owner who *knows* who to hire? There's maybe 3-4 of those guys in the league. I'm gonna go ahead and be on the side that the other potential bidders weren't going to be better at picking a GM than the Pegulas. Pretending that there's some sort of nefarious power trip from the pegulas that is making them bad is a conspiracy theory and may make some people feel better for some reason, but occam's razor...finding a GM / Coach Players is: A) Hard B) Often has a ton of factors that may or may not even be known to anyone that affects their success I think it's a far more productive discussion of the Pegulas on what they are doing to ensure the GM/Team has success that's directly in their control. Does the team have great facilities? Can they spend to the cap? Does the team provide solid 'extras' (staff like skating coaches, meals, etc, etc)? Do the owners have a positive reception among the league? Do they own and operate minor league teams that struggle with profitability so the organization has control and can teach the same system?? There's a number of questions that make more sense then lampooning their (and most of the league's) inability to hire the right GM for sustained success and I'd genuinely be interested in the answers to these questions.
  22. I thought Jay Glazer was a fictional character like that guy who does the "Jets Fan" posts on here.
  23. It's a big bet on if he can put it together or if there is a part time role for him. You also have to assess how many guys with issues you can bring into your culture without affecting it too heavily. Diggs issues are something to address, but a guy being 'too intense' is a totally different problem than a super talented guy who's interests lie outside of football except for collecting his paycheck.
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