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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. oh, wow, Allen being ranked #3 by some guy changed everything..every. thing.
  2. A wise decision for the vikings too. They have a better record...er...gone further in the playoffs...er..It's just a wise decision for them ok.
  3. So who are they gonna play when Darnold gets hurt?
  4. How un-American of you. If you're not screwing over your neighbor to make a buck then you're just plain ole unPatriotic. Tommy boy is out there creating jobs with his fake pills and you're just worried about the people losing their hard earned money to a celebrity peddling snake oil. Creating even a single job should make you immune to any and all prosecution.
  5. Never was even remotely going to happen. Some folks just needed a new crusade for a couple days.
  6. Sorry, take your "ethical" off the nearest cliff. This is capitalism, baby. I'd sell faulty air to your grandmother on her deathbed if I could. Everyone who has a problem with this is obviously just jealous they can't do it. If someone is dumb enough to buy it then they get what they deserve. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I think I got all that right.
  7. ..but obviously will be eclipsed by the receivers drafted this year that have a 70% (or more) failure rate of even staying in the NFL for 3 years
  8. he better put together a monster season
  9. Did I miss out on the chance to get upset about something that hasn't happened?
  10. I think it boils down to two factors: 1. Take as much as you can get. Why would the contractors do the job for 2 billion when you can get 5-6 billion? 2. If the team(s) owner(s) want this to happen, it becomes very easy for the person/people running the project to say we can make your dream come true for 2 billion...then reality strikes..and you're 2 billion into this project, your team needs a place to play, the whole thing is a national punchline..so you just shovel money at it I'm sure whatever happens, even if the taxpayers didn't agree to fund any of this, they're going to get a big bill for this project.
  11. I think it's safe to say that any construction project of this measure should take the highest estimate and triple it. Can anyone point to a stadium that didn't have cost overruns?
  12. Again, what did overdorf have to do with sammy's failures? You said it, please back it up.
  13. So...what did overdorf do to make Sammy a lazy psychopath? Also, I didn't know overdorf was involved in giving up 2 first to draft him.
  14. Shame that he wasted his talent. He could have been one of the top receivers in the game if he didn't believe he's an alien.
  15. having bottom ranked defense the last several years and still being an arse have done him in.
  16. I love Allens and the Bills, but their offense has not been 'middle of the road'. It's been bad. Lower 3rd of the league bad.
  17. Classic attempt to misdirect. The guy's a major douchebag, but regardless of what he sticks it in and who else is there...you don't get to wave a gun at him (loaded or not) and chase him with a knife.
  18. If Gore wants to play, I'm glad he has a place to do so.
  19. Yea, no..having been involved in local and state government...the corruption is..astounding. This very article says it was almost 100 million and only the dumbest idiots who are way too egregious get caught. Even then, only a small handful actually get caught or face consequences.
  20. Regardless of the other things you mention, the curve hasn't been flattened. The US just had the deadliest day yet..
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