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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You're making an assumption that there is a view people in the NFL hold that there is something to turn around. He's more well thought of by league personnel than he is by those of us on this board despite his offense ranking rather low the last couple years. I'd be willing to bet that the view is it was a natural progression of his offense to reach the top 10 as he got better players in place. I'd say it's a lock if he gets a top ten offense that he will be a head coach next season.
  2. I think if Daboll manages a top 10 offense this year then he will be be a HC next year. Offensive coaches are the hot ticket right now and teams are desperate for a guy who can groom a young QB which..if Josh leads a top 10 offense..the perception will be Daboll did that. In that case, Frazier with a top 3 defense and Daboll a top 10 offense...Daboll would be the hotter coaching candidate (not that I agree he should be).
  3. I actually think the Bills win both of those games this year now
  4. Lombardi's job is to get attention..not write an insightful or groundbreaking article. He will take the most efficient route to doing so. Same way we eat up an article about Baker's troubles and Cleveland fans get all upset. Someone will post the article here and get a lot of people to go read it because how could be be so dumb to say these things about Allen while fans of other teams will go, "Haha, Bills have a RB at QB!"
  5. Sal was a fan doing a web broadcast that was really popular and ended up getting hired by WGR. He has a lot of enthusiasm for his work which is a nice change of pace to many other media that are apparently forced at gunpoint to cover the Bills.
  6. My impression is slightly different. If a player asks him to then he will, but none have talked to him about it.
  7. This question feels like the reporter didn't do their homework and was looking for a cheap bump
  8. "None of the players are believed to have been in their team facilities and the Cowboys and Texans teams followed proper health protocols, Rapoport added." - https://www.nfl.com/news/multiple-cowboys-texans-players-have-tested-positive-for-covid-19 Not sure how this is related to the league. People across many different vocations have tested positive.
  9. I'm not sure getting shot in the face is better than getting covid
  10. I don't care about whatever this random vikings fan said...why would a bills fan post this stupid **** and make a whole thread for it?
  11. Who's he gonna knee? Please let it be himself.
  12. No, and you should put yourself into a 2 week quarantine inside a faraday cage to make sure this thought doesn't spread any further.
  13. If only they'd stick to their freedom zones and express their opinion where I won't ever have to see it then everything would be cool. So a few people got killed because of the color of their skin. No reason I should have be slightly uncomfortable knowing that they're out there kneeling while I'm taking a piss in the bathroom during the anthem.
  14. No. Not because he should be up there, but removing him just causes a lot more angst and attention.
  15. Here's a bunch of things you should do, but won't, but we've covered our arses legally by saying you should.
  16. Their cuts actually seem to be pretty minimal and obviously tinged with sadness. A month of pay, health insurance, etc, etc. The Athletic seems to have made a hard decision and understood the effect it has on people.
  17. Why ain't nobody talking bout how dese boys get in a huddle and take a knee when coach is talking to them? Disrespecting him! Should fire dem all where dese idjits would go back to mcdonalds. Dey need to respectful like my boy, jimmy bob who scratches his groin during the anthem while wearing American Flag underwear that he ***** himself in because he'd never disrespect the flag that he would have fought for if not for de painful bonespurs.
  18. Players should just shut up and entertain me. It's like they don't even know they should just go into their locker when not entertaining me and take whatever dregs I decide they should have...and if I, a fat, balding middle aged white man decide I want them to stop breathing..they should hold their breathe until they pass out and then, keep holding it until they die. That is a much better alternative than me feeling uncomfortable about people who's only worth as human being is providing me with entertainment.
  19. All of them. The Bills getting together isn't special or unique.
  20. Fitz is great at picking up new offenses. His first year always seems to go well. The next year when he's running the same plays and there's tape on him is when he's had struggles in the past. In a division that had two great defenses and a 3rd that was a top 15 (strong in some areas, weak in others), I see him regressing. If Tua isn't starting by the first game, it won't be long after that.
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