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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You gave the law, NY VTL 1227(1). Of course, you didn't actually give the text of the law which doesn't help your interpretation. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/VAT/1227#:~:text=1.,guilty of a traffic infraction. Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages in certain motor vehicles. 1. The drinking of alcoholic beverages, or the possession of an open container containing an alcoholic beverage, in a motor vehicle located upon the public highways or right-of-way public highway is prohibited. Any operator or passenger violating this section shall be guilty of a traffic infraction. The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to prohibit the drinking of alcoholic beverages or the possession of an open container containing an alcoholic beverage by passengers in passenger vehicles operated pursuant to a certificate or permit issued by the department of transportation or the United States department of transportation. Furthermore, the provisions of this section shall not be deemed to prohibit the possession of wine which is: (a) resealed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision four of section eighty-one of the alcoholic beverage control law; and (b) is transported in the vehicle's trunk or is transported behind the last upright seat or in an area not normally occupied by the driver or passenger in a motor vehicle that is not equipped with a trunk.
  2. So your container has alcohol in it..which would be a problem. The open container can't have alcohol in it. Now you know..and knowing is half the battle.
  3. sure, but a 9 page thread on Spencer Long? Seems like overkill. I guess we should be glad we can be so nitpicky on inconsequential moves.
  4. Then you should expect that people will also offer their opinion on your belief that dishonoring an agreement is something you enjoy doing and think is a good thing.
  5. The legend of Kiko Alonso has finally been replaced with the Legend of the Duke.
  6. Trump has said he doesn't pay contractors. That's not a 'take'. He has specifically said it. You, yourself, in this very thread said it and that it seems like a smart business move. So there's just a difference between those of that believe in living up to our agreements and you, who thinks it's cool to steal from people as long as you can get away with it. So yea, a lot of us look at leeches on society with disdain. That's something you're gonna have to learn to live with if you want to be a leech.
  7. Yes, very legit. Those suckers who agreed to sell you things with a legal contract are just dumb business people. They should stop complaining. Not being paid for their goods and services likely helped them along to declaring their own bankruptcy.
  8. Expecting great from him is...well..not realistic. The Bills are likely looking for consistently average and if they get that, they'd be in good shape.
  9. Wrap it up too. Always a good reminder for an NFL player.
  10. Winters is a journeyman. He's.. a little below average most of the time and bad occasionally. He's never been a world beater, but the Jets blocking scheme changed and did not play to his strengths last season. He'll be more comfortable in Buffalo's scheme, but is only a stopgap for the year.
  11. J.E.T.S. Just End The Season. The Jets are so awful that cosmic powers created a global pandemic because that is less painful than having to watch the Jets
  12. Gonna be tough to win when there are zero players on the field for either side
  13. I thought he lived in Seattle with his brother.
  14. This is why I think Lamar will fail. Not because he scored a 13 on the wonderlic, not because he's a 'running QB'...it's because he is a little too caught up in Lamar. Those guys tend to be susceptible to reading their own press.
  15. more and more DEs gonna get paid...consistent disruption and pressure have been increasing greatly in value the last few years
  16. I mean if you run a race wearing 50lbs of weights that's more impressive than just running the race..
  17. He was quoting someone else who said the NFL is too greedy...he's asking the question that if the NBA, NHl and MLB are all playing..what makes the NFL so much 'worse' than them?
  18. This list isn't passing judgement on them a few years from now though... The other two guys don't BoB to deal with
  19. I don't know what they're smoking in the Seattle front office, but it must be some combination of DMT/Corona
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