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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I am a big strong MAN! Please don't say things I don't like or understand. I can't handle it.
  2. Most of the Jets injuries are already on the field doing sideline work and/or individual drills or expected back soon. They have no more or less than the Bills do. This topic just seem ill-informed.
  3. I like that Marrone gets to be Tank Commander so a new coach can have a high draft pick
  4. Hauschka hasn't hit at least 80 percent of his field goal attempts since 2017 History is great and all, but current results are more important.
  5. It is? He's had problems and they have been trying to trade since the season ended..
  6. Relying on rookie receivers, no matter how good is a risky proposition. The value of him tearing up camp is not that he's going to supplant those guys, but exactly what you said here...if one of them goes down, he can fill in for awhile.
  7. You've confused the problem. It's not that he said Josh had a bad day and he said that. It's that he's been hypercritical of Allen compared to his peers. This has eroded trust in his reports and as one of the principal Bills reporters...not being able to trust his reports on the starting QB is annoying. His reports tend to need confirmation because he has exaggerated in the past. As someone who's not sold on Allen being the long term franchise QB...I'd like to be able to know they're accurate especially when I can't see things for myself.
  8. They were taking a huge gamble with Hauschka. The question is how much bigger of a gamble Bass is...
  9. I never believed Beane would do more than kick the tires on this, but I'm glad it's over.
  10. You misunderstand. The ridiculous thing is having the cowboys that high. It's not simply putting everyone at 32 that makes it ridiculous. The point is to elicit a strong reaction and get those people prone to reading something and then drop everything and race to others to tell them about it.
  11. Seriously, how do people not understand that like 60% of sports writing is 'bait tactics' Write something ridiculous...get people to get upset then go link your article all over forums, social media, etc and drive up your traffic. Here's a crazy idea...if you think an article or writer is ridiculous, STOP. Don't share their stuff, don't talk about it. Their entire goal is to get you to talk about it so when you run here in huff, out of breath and sweating to post dumb sh*t....you're doing their job for them.
  12. You people hoping for the bills to become a mess are hilarious.
  13. Article Mentions the following: Shaena Kershner Alex Compton Kelly Baker What about? John Durbin Sr. VP of Marketing and Business Strategy Gregg Pastore Sr. Director of Digital Media & Strategy Scott Miner Director of Business Solutions Evan Barrick Manager of Reporting Strategy Craig Kanalley Digital Insights Manager Olivia Merrill Digital Marketing Manager Chris O'Connell Manager of Data Strategy Nico Ruggiero Digital Marketing Manager Colin Greenway Digital Marketing Coordinator Connor Kukla Data Scientist John Landi CRM Architect Michael Whitney Copywriter Since this took me all of two minutes to obtain, I have to assume Tim is either grossly incompetent or has an agenda. Which one do you think it is? "briefly mentioned" Tim's article has 4 paragraphs on Brown and 12 on the "marketing department" Matt Warren did no reporting except on the fact the article exists so saying it's from him and not graham is misleading.
  14. Dude, that was like 12 minutes ago...in that time I was able to go outside, take a dump, get naked, oil myself up, wrestle a hedgehog to prove my dominance to the neighbors, make breakfast, clean the bathroom, and have a nice hot cup of tea (not necessarily in that order).
  15. LOOK AT ME! I MADE A THREAD! Maybe mom and dad will love me now.
  16. I think he's less troll and more incel, but if he is a troll then he does fine work.
  17. I don't subscribe to any theory that garbage time stats have a significant impact on the overall stats of a QB over the course of a season. I'm sure there's an exception out there where a team stunk and was blown out frequently, but the QB ended up with substantially better season long stats from things that happened when they were say...14 plus points down in games they ended up losing. It's certainly not the norm and I would seriously doubt that it would impact this particular 'contest' between the two QBs to any degree worth mentioning.
  18. Homerism aside..and ignoring my issues with the way Deboll calls an offense...I don't see how Darnold throws more TD passes than Allen. The talent around him, so many new players, and his coach make it seem like an uphill battle for him.
  19. I'm interested to see the conclusion of the NFL investigation into this 37 years from now. I suspect it could be a real blow to Snyder's corpse.
  20. 1st team offense went against 2nd string defense and 2nd team offense went against 1st string defense
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