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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. The Jets will also miss the playoffs. They will not be one of those teams.
  2. Win an MVP and a Superbowl and they give you the benefit of the doubt
  3. What, not excited about Jags / Texans? C'mon Panthers / Falcons! I can hardly contain the excitement of watching these juggernauts. Truth though, I'll be watching two titans match up this Sunday, Cardinals / Jets
  4. Their franchise is merged with Jets franchise. Gase is the lifetime head coach.
  5. Yes, partly thanks to the Bills who make their "Strength of Schedule" more difficult than other winless teams. However, I'd bet if the season ended early, it would be some sort of lottery to determine #1 overall
  6. Again, they're having to prepare for a team they may/may not play while preparing for a team they will play on some day at some time.
  7. This is dumb. The Bills have to prepare for the Titans.. unless then maybe they have to prepare for the Chiefs two days later. I went to take a look at titans forums. I've read a lot of opposing teams forums, but wow...the titans fans may be the biggest pieces of human **** talking about how they are off to a hot start and infected player should be allowed to play because it's "just a cold". I really hope the league f***ks them.
  8. because the Bills deserve to know what the plan is...the fans deserve to know.
  9. I don't like the idea of a forfeit. I think the Titans need to play the game as scheduled in Buffalo with none of the players who tested positive and only players who have tested continually tested negative and not had contact with other players with the last 10 days.
  10. jfc...read the thread. I'm not going to explain it again.
  11. The NFL can not, by law, broadcast game on Saturdays until the college season has ended.
  12. To violate the law? Your sentiment makes no sense. To be clear, the NFL can play the game on Saturday, they just can't broadcast it. Broadcasting it within 75 miles of a college with a football team would be again the law. TO change this, they would need an act of congress or a lengthy court battle. All under the supposition that the NFL even has an interested in getting into a ratings war with College games.
  13. The league sent a memo to the titans. If the titans failed to inform the players...well ignorance of the law is not a defense.
  14. It's going to be this. They seem to dedicated to the putting off the tougher decisions as long as possible hoping that things even themselves out. Hope tends to be a bad strategy for success though.
  15. The sports broadcasting act of 1961. It's been mentioned several times in this thread.
  16. I fell asleep for a good 40-50 miles at least once. Arkansas also had the distinction of having the worst rest stop I've even been to...was traveling with my dogs. At least they seemed to enjoy the open sewer smell it had.
  17. The NCAA doesn't get to give them permission. It would require congress to act. Good luck with that.
  18. Yes, as mentioned by @Forward Progress The sports Broadcasting Act of 1961 effectively outlaws NFL games on Friday or Saturday. " It also, in effect, protects high school football and college football game attendance by blacking out pro football games locally on Friday evenings and Saturdays during those sports' regular seasons; these measures effectively outlawed the broadcasting (and, in practice, the playing) of NFL games on those days, since virtually all of the country is within 75 miles (120 km) of at least one high school game on every Friday night in September and October." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports_Broadcasting_Act_of_1961 https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title15/chapter32&edition=prelim
  19. Back in June I drove up from Austin back to Buffalo. Arkansas and Ohio were rough, boring drives.
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