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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I agree. I think Darnold is 'hurt', but I don't think it's his decision to sit. The Jets have traded two players immediately after a game ended (and it's said they were actually traded before the games) and been cutting players who have been on the active roster. They certainly seem to have pivoted to full on tanking. I'm really curious if BB will match.
  2. Jets. A Jets win would be devastating to their chances of 1st overall.
  3. He had a great game, but I loved the play where he was in coverage and Wilson underthrew it and it hit him in the back
  4. ..from one of the most irrational and biased people on here...
  5. Honestly, one of the most impressive things I've ever seen. You really need to see it for yourself.
  6. I just saw Phillip Rivers try to tackle a guy. Wow. That was amazing.
  7. Yea, I think it's because he speaks too passively about games in press conferences. 😉
  8. They need to upgrade the position, but I'll take Kroft 10/10 times. He had a clutch catch today instead of Knox's clutch drops.
  9. Brilliant gameplan for the defense (despite giving up an arseload of points). They knew they had guys like Klein who could be abused and put them in positions to succeed. There were some breakdowns, but you can only do so much with some of the guys they were putting on the field.
  10. Why be such a ******* passive ****? Gameplan to score 80 or just go be a **** **** somewhere else because the NFL isn't for you!
  11. If the Dolphins end up thinking that Tua isn't the QB and move on then I'll be very concerned about their future in the division. Recognizing you made a mistake and moving on is something good organizations can do.
  12. There's no way you can risk giving him a huge contract.
  13. Please don't put words in my mouth. If you want to crusade, feel free. Don't wildly misquote me to do it.
  14. He would be the best choice they could make, but they'd have to dump Joe Douglas as GM who got a 6 year contract. Not gonna happen.
  15. I went with the options he suggested. I don't think either of them make a lot of sense, but the Czech Republic is further right than Germany. Generally, I'd suggest new Zealand for Americans looking for "America, but not", but they'd be much further left than I suspect his politics would be...although they are getting further right on things like immigrations...because of all the Americans moving there.
  16. I should never have come to this forum. The people in this thread regardless of political affiliation are a big reason this country is going down the toilet. Supporting surveillance, draconian measures, violence, extremism, governing through executive orders, ignoring the rule of law as long as the other side gets wrecked. Neither side recognizing the hypocrisy of the other. We deserve everything that's happening to this nation.
  17. There's nothing to congratulate. The republicans failed this country and forced those of us who aren't republicans to have no choice in the election and vote for the sh*tshow of Biden/Harris.
  18. If you don't like Harris...Germany isn't going to be for you. You'd want the Czech Republic out of those.
  19. Then why are you interested in beasley? Cole might be the better rusher of the two..
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