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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I love Frank Reich. I think he's a really solid coach. Glad they got the win. Still think Rivers is an ***hole though.
  2. Something I didn't notice was a smart "non-play" by Boettger. He was on the wrong side of brown going down field and two defenders are coming in. He doesn't try to get a hand on those guys that was likely to not slow them down and had a good probability of ending up with him getting a penalty trying to make a play. A lot of guys might hero in that situation, but you can actually see him think about it and then just put his arm around Brown and opts to let Brown run. Looked more like a common thing done by players to let the guy know you're there. Didn't seem to have any force on it at all.
  3. That you thought he was multiple people kinda testifies to that.
  5. So when I said that I thought Jackson lacked the focus to be consistently great year after year and struck me as a guy who would have an MVP year then read his own press clippings and maybe not work as hard, I wasn't insane? Strange, because so many on here told me I was was...
  6. It tends to annoy me when it's extreme in either direction because real questions don't get asked. There's a thread here about the Davis non-TD.. ask him if he was in, ask McDermott why he didn't challenge. Deep dive into how the Bills handle the replay challenge. There's a lot of football related things to talk about and people who write words about sports seem to often have a hard time not going for the soft questions whether it's about somebody's recipe for apple pie or the "Do you think you'll be fired?" type of stuff that's never going to get an interesting answer about football.
  7. You don't have to replace McKenzie's talents to replace the 5th receiver on the team. I never said they were the same player.
  8. I think there are some QBs who can be good and not 'have it'. I feel kinda the same about Herbert. I said the same about Darnold to some Jets fans I know. Can you imagine Darnold going into an offseason and saying, "I'm not good at this, but after this offseason, I'll never be bad at it again."? How about the effortless way Josh just seems to make friends with everybody? I think that's super helpful for a QB. I don't think anyone would be surprised if Josh had an endzone celebration with every guy on the team and practiced it with them.
  9. I kinda want to see a Jim Kelly era uniform (that can wait a year or two though), but I have no complaints about anything they've worn this year.
  10. Long story, short. Cousins holds some sort of prayer get togethers in team facilities (and has a history of openly advocating for his teammates to share his beliefs) and Diggs wasn't interested (Diggs seems to be religious though). Cousins didn't like it and that supposedly exasperated the situation when Diggs would tell cousins he made an error. Not the prime reason for the fallout, but in my own opinion one that probably could have been avoided all together with some common sense. If you're really interested some searches on the Purple Pain forums will lead you to the threads from last season where this all was discussed.
  11. I guess that depends on what 'good terms' are...are they not sniping at each other? Sure. Cousins isn't getting a Christmas Card for Diggs, that's for sure. The sh*t with the prayer meetings should never have been allowed.
  12. Digging (get it?) into that Minnesota situation.. it's really unfortunate that it was portrayed in the media the way it was and he ended up with that reputation. It's hard to shake. A lot of fragile egos and unreasonable people were involved. Some really ridiculous things that put people in awkward situations and when they don't do what certain people want off the field.. those people start making things on the field part of their grudge. Bottom line, he wants to win and get better. He's not shy about talking about what's wrong whether it's him or someone else. I can speak from experiencer, I want the guy who tells me to my face that I screwed up over the guy who is silent about it or only talks to other people about what I did wrong. Some folks in Minnesota preferred pretending they didn't make mistakes.
  13. I think Hodgins certainly has the potential of being the 5th receiver. You said a bunch of other stuff that I did not say anything about.
  14. He may already be replaced (Hodgins) who had a solid camp. Granted that doesn't mean much. I'm also in favor of bringing McKenzie back at a low salary, but yea, if he's not back it's not a very big hole to fill.
  15. The people still trying to herald cam are getting to be amusing. Sometimes, I make the mistake of going to pft and watched their show with florio and the other talking about what an amazing performance cam had against the Jets... like really? I watched that game and while he was completing passes... nothing about that performance was something I'd look at and be like, 'We're ok at QB'
  16. Why is this still a surprise to people? There were multiple stories about the league memo to officials in regard to only calling clear and obvious penalties. “When we were preparing, certainly going in, we had a theme of ‘clear and obvious’ and we wanted that to continue throughout the year,” Anderson told the league’s in-house TV/digital conglomerate. “We had to address clear and obvious. You can’t miss clear and obvious and it starts with that. Going forward we don’t want all of a sudden to start calling the ticky tack stuff. We want things that are clear.” ~ NFL senior V.P. of officiating training and development Walt Anderson.
  17. They should implement a draft lottery system this year (only) because of covid.
  18. Yes, it can be fixed. Almost anything can be 'fixed'. I can't speak so much for their TV as I haven't watched ESPN in many years, but I suspect it's much the same problem it had back then and the same problem they have on the web. I work for a company that runs a website and charges people a 'subscription'. It's a different world as we're a tech company who provides data, but the one thing I harp on is not mentally fatiguing users. Don't wear them with awful navigation, going to parts of the site and getting a "Oh, you need to pay money to see this", moving things around, different UI in different areas. Generally, a fragmented user experience. ESPN is the very definition of a fragmented experience. There's articles I can't read without a subscription. There's 'team based' section that look and act wholly different based on the team. One of the most maddening is that when I go and scroll through the articles, it's tough to find the content I was looking for...it's in chronological order, but then.. it's not. Over the years in the push to monetize, monetize, monetize everything, they've been haphazard with no clear vision and it's now mentally taxing trying to use their site. The only time I'm interested is when someone direct links something. They need to get someone in charge with a clear vision (even if that vision is not perfect and start unifying the overall experience. Then start investing in some better regular content.
  19. I could never be comfortable giving him a huge contract. He's great, but if you have to replace him for 3-4 games a year...well, now you've got to pay (or invest draft capital) for a high quality backup too. Great player, seems like a great guy, the exact type of player I think you *should* pay, but his injuries seem to be increasing year by year so not only do you have the "Is he gonna play question?", but how long before these injuries affect the quality and not just the quantity of his play?
  20. 2019 - Mahomes Chiefs - 2.4% 2018 - Brady Patriots - 12.4% 2017 - Foles / Wentz Eagles - 4.6% 2016 - Brady Patriots 8.9% 2015 - Manning Broncos - 12.2% 2014 - Brady Patriots - 11.1% 2013 - Wilson Seahawks - .6% 2012 - Flacco Ravens - 6.6% 2011 - Eli Manning Giants - 11.7% 2010 - Rodgers Packers - Uncapped year 2009 - Brees - 8.7% 2008 - Roethlisberger - 10.7% 2007 - Eli - 9.2% 2006 - Peyton - 10.4% 2005 - Roethlisberger - 4.9% 2004 - Brady - 6.3% 2003 - Brady - 4.4% 2002 - Johnson - 7.88% 2001 - Brady - .5% However, this is HIGHLY misleading. Many of these teams had players who took up a higher % of the cap than the arbitrary 20 million number which would be 10.1% of the cap this season. The largest percent of the cap ever spent on one player while winning a Superbowl was Steve Young at 13.1% which would be about $26 million this year.
  21. I have hopes Davis will become more difficult to defend as time goes on to provide some real depth. No, he has a contract. I don't expect when it's up after next season the Bills will re-sign him. He'll be priced out after Diggs gets a new deal. As above, hopefully Davis or another young receiver can take over.
  22. Right on. It's almost always a confluence of events and not just any one thing. If it was one thing then it's generally easy to fix and compensate. Fans tend to like to reduce things down to it being one simple thing such as "AJ KLEIN!" or "EDMUNDS!" and think if they just replaced Klein then everything would be great again on defense or that trading for TE would fix everything.
  23. Yes, but he didn't really keep up. He was probably 2-3 feet behind him. A badly underthrown ball that he had no idea was even thrown until it hit him because he was trying to catch up. He had a great game though and hopefully they have figured out an effective way to keep using his talents.
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