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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. He'd likely have to re-structure to stay on the team in a team friendly way. How far we've come that there's a reasonable possibility a guy would want to stay on this team that he'd consider it.
  2. I have reliable sources that tell me only 2 of them have never been in your kitchen.
  3. I hope he was the guy in charge of tight end coverage.
  4. The Jets have to make that decision by may 5th. It's extremely unlikely they pick up the 5th year because Darnold would make something like 25 million+ for the 5th year. I can't imagine anyone wants to commit around 12.5% of the cap to a guy who they have no idea if he can play. So anyone who trades for him will be getting 1 year and the best case scenario is he lights it up and they get to immediately hand him a huge contract.
  5. Not many QBs drafted in the top 10 suck and then 'go to a good team' and 'find their groove'. You can count on one hand how often it's happened in the entire history of the NFL. I watched all of the Jets games this year. Darnold is toast. Yes, he was in bad situation with a bad coach, etc, etc, but regardless of why, he sucks. The corpse of Joe Flacco significantly outplayed him. Darnold did the same boneheaded things he does now he did at USC and has not shown one iota of improvement. Anyone who uses the term 'flash' in regards to an NFL player should stop. It is the silliest thing to say. Every player can flash. They all have talent. It doesn't matter what you do in small spurts. If you can't do it consistently then it doesn't matter. Also, Shefter and Darnold have the same agent. Make you wonder if the best way to get Darnold out of the Jets isn't to make some team out there think there's *some* interest and to float a 3rd the Jets way that makes Douglas jump.
  6. That's because only terrible, dirty, rotten, aw..eh, let me just shorten this up: Only Jets fans put pineapple on pizza.
  7. The year: 4035. It's a bleak, war torn landscape. Mankind is all, but wiped after the brutal 2000 year long conflict between Lego Corporation and Wegmans. Two lone figures can be seen trudging wearily up a hill in bitter cold with the winds whipping at them. One of them removes his face mask and in the instant before his face is frozen he whispers, "Do you think clowney might be worth a looksie? It couldn't hurt!"
  8. I think he says a lot of things that don't get said a lot and while many may say, after the fact, that it wasn't worth it... almost all of them if they went back in time would do it all over again for the money.
  9. Makes total sense. One coordinator for Tua and when he craps the bed, one coordinator for Fitz.
  10. One of those things is not like the others.
  11. We just don't appreciate that your need for attention leads you to post a thread about something already being discussed. Post your thoughts there.
  12. I guess that depends on how you define "QB" 😉 Also, Jets fans now think they can a 1st plus for Darnold, lol
  13. Great, but you don't cut players until you have their replacement. So find the guy who's better than you can cut him in camp if you have 3-4 backs better than him.
  14. I am emotionally upset at *spins the wheel* Devin Singletary! Cut Him!
  15. It's not similar. Gregg was presiding over one of the worst defense in the league. Not a top ten defense.
  16. beware player who doesn't perform until their contract year. It's rarely a case of the 'lightbulb' going on against a case of, "If I really put in the work this 1 year then I'm set for life". What about this guy says he's going to put that same work in year in and year out? What changed?
  17. I don't view Whaley's tenure in a favorable light, but that doesn't mean he can't comment on anything. Also, Sean McDermott has criticized Sean McDermott's game management so it's not Whaley's saying something crazy either.
  18. I think most people mean 'balanced' in that opposing defenses have to defend against the run and can't simply know the Bills aren't going to do it and if they do it's going to pointless
  19. Replacing Morse will be a nice upgrade. He was what they needed for a bit, but keeping Williams/Feliciano seems fine. A solid center who doesn't look like he's been beaten with a bag of horseshoes before each game would go a long way. That along with some coaching. Here's hoping that Daboll is self-aware and able to get some help. It's not simply the talent of the players alone that caused this mess.
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