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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. the cut or traded bit is sensationalism added by the media outlet reporting it to draw attention
  2. While I agree with you that they will struggle with him at QB... they're going to struggle without him and he will be a great filler QB for whomever they bring in to replace
  3. Just the city of Buffalo? How about the entire nation and professional badminton as we know it.
  4. Note: when someone says, "When Pigs fly" they aren't actually talking about pigs flying
  5. He's had one good season. This would be like handing over your team to Adam Gase based on his 1 good year with Manning.
  6. No, it means they can't trade him without him agreeing to it so he controls where he goes.
  7. might be one of the reasons he's stepping down as CEO. It wouldn't eliminate the conflict, but it would reduce it quite a bit.
  8. You're the only one impressed with your act. In fact, why don't you solve this problem. People on this board would donate a lot of money to not have you waste valuable internet space and could cover the costs of the service.
  9. There's a saying when it comes to scientific studies.. "Never trust a single scientific study.. trust a bunch of them." Even if the scientists do everything right, there's too many factors (known and unknown) for any single study to cover them all. You can generally apply the same thing to journalism. However, in this case, you don't even need that. It's a hit piece through and through and should be ignored. Even if it is true, there's so much information left out and it pretty much just says "PEGULA BAD" over and over again instead of giving out actual information.
  10. Yea, usually walk my dogs around 8 times a day and they are protesting the the reduced number of walks because I don't want to be out in the cold. There's been a large number of people coming from the bay area as Austin becomes a 'san fran lite' for the tech industry which now with covid has found out that their employees haven't considered "Silicon Valley" a selling point for many years now. Property taxes (and property value) and cost of living have gone up considerably in the last few years ion the greater Austin area. I was strongly considering moving back to Buffalo if my company goes fully remote, but days like today remind me of a big reason why I left.. and Austin doesn't have the wind chill factor that Buffalo does..
  11. Yea, moved to Austin 14 years ago from Buffalo. Super exited about all the ex San Fran people moving to Austin and doing the same thing to Austin they did to San Fran because they can't afford to live there anymore. You're ok though since you're a Bills fan
  12. Where you hiding like a scared little girl for so long?
  13. I'm with you, but Bills fans should understand that if Josh has another great year then the Josh hype is gonna be annoying to every other team.
  14. This is just silly. 20 other QBs? No way! I'd believe 19..,but 20 is just over the top
  15. What were the weights in Reid vs McDermott in those years?
  16. I think the cap will be a hell of a lot closer to 198 than it will be to 175
  17. I hope it's the good vaccine that they give to the lizard people and not the mind control one they give to the rest of us.
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