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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Something just feels off on this.. I hope Watson burns if even one of them is telling the truth, but the lawyer just seems so shady.
  2. I read this forum and don't try to find the hosting facility and burn it down.
  3. Well, drat. The dream of ever seeing Sammy Watkins play football in a Bills uniform is dead.
  4. I see you decided to ignore that your Jordan example was horrendously, wrong. You give dollar values and not position. How are the years that he won the superbowl relevant? Do you think listing out those years makes it look more impressive? You also seem to ignore that because 1 guy in NFL History may have done it that it's a given that some other player will do it. Why are you trying so hard to look so silly?
  5. 1. Brady at age 43 doesn't dictate the salaries of young franchise QBs 2. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over $20 million and in fact it exceeded $30 million as well in a season (1996-97); this was a record for 15 years. The NFLPA has long held this position and prioritized max dollar deals without regard for it's affect on other players.
  6. Only the good stuff. One package of smarties in there and it's over.
  7. You've got a surprise coming! You folk living in a fairy land that Josh is gonna sign for 30-35 a year (or less) are in for a rude awakening. Even if Josh was open to it, there will be many people telling him to not be an idiot. On top of his friends, family and agent there is the NFLPA who put s a lot of pressure on players to not take 'discounts' and go to the max dollar value possible. If Allen takes a discount and let's just say it's 35 then that means the other QBs around the league now are probably looking at falling in behind him.
  8. I know you wanted to score internet points, but it doesn't work if you don't read the article and just look silly.
  9. Sorry, I can't trust a Kerrigan. He's just as likely to become a homicidal woman leading an army of bugs to destroy the galaxy.
  10. My apologies, you're late. I already gave out the "I'm taking the internet real serious today awards" earlier in this thread.
  11. People don't seem to get if you use up all your flexibility to make room than you no longer have flexibility to create room. They seem to believe you can just kick the can to next year and magically do it all over again.
  12. I'd say more than Star opting out is that the guys the Bills signed were quicker, penetrating guys which made sense given the way the league was going. Then the league changed how holding was called and it impacts those guys way more than bigger, power rushers. Some folks are really good at telling the future when it's in the past.
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