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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Yes, the same players who said OTAs need to eliminated because of covid... are surely behind the one saying that all protocols should be removed. I'm sure that they're consistent in their opinions. Only players exist in the NFL so that makes sense. Oh, The Jets are telling 2nd year player Mekhai Becton who, when healthy, last season dominated that he needs to lose weight because his fatness is causing him health problems (not covid related)...
  2. I was incorrect and you're right, it changed 2 days ago: https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2021/6/16/22536581/under-new-guidance-buffalo-bills-games-will-be-allowed-100-capacity-without-vaccination-checks
  3. The Bills, so far, are the only team that it is known that vaccinations will be required (by Erie County) for attendance. So, yes, they are requiring vaccinations. https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2021/4/13/22382431/erie-county-says-buffalo-bills-fans-will-need-to-be-vaccinated-to-attend-home-games
  4. I stopped learning anything about anyone in entertainment that I like... I don't even know Josh Allen's last name.
  5. The reality is that it has nothing to do with the science. It's about control. There's a subset of the population who believe that rules are for other people.
  6. McDermott, Beane, the NFL and the NFLPA have all said they have done that with all players.
  7. I follow the Jets, Dolphins and Pats. This has not been a subject for any of them. There are players on this team that are making this the subject for the Bills. I've felt for awhile that the Bills don't seem as focused as last season and I really hope I'm wrong, but this certainly leads into my paranoia.
  8. It's about: A) Cole potentially contracting the virus and being unavailable for games B) Him spreading it or being a 'close contact' to someone else on the team and them being unavailable for games To be clear, Cole is saying that his right to not follow protocols for the unvaccinated is greater than the right of other players on the team to mitigate their own risk of contracting the virus or potentially missing games. All he has to say is, "Due to my concerns about the protocol, I've evaluated the choices available to me and have decided I don't want to get the vaccine or follow the protocols required of me. I am announcing my retirement and wish the best of luck to my friends and colleagues."
  9. A man drowning in the middle of lake is approached by lifeguard with a life preserver. The lifeguard swims up to him and says, "Here take this so you don't down." The man says, "I don't need it. God will save me." A rescue boat comes up and throws the man a rope, "Grab the rope and we'll pull you on board" The man says, "I don't need it. God will save me." A helicopter goes out and they lower down a person on a winch, "Grab my hand and we'll save you!" The man says, "I don't need it. God will save me." The man drowns and goes to heaven. He asks God, "Why didn't you save me?" God responds, "I sent you a life preserver, a boat and damned helicopter, what the hell more do you want?"
  10. You offered him signing a waiver absolving the NFL/NFLPA of responsibility if he gets covid as a solution.
  11. Can't catch a ball if you're suspended for not following the protocols you agreed to as part of the NFLPA.
  12. No, you just need to remember that a piece of paper that Cole Beaseley signs to say he's ok if he gets covid doesn't have any actual effect on the disease itself.
  13. I'm confused, are you saying that you believe Cole Beasely signing a waiver physically prevents Allen catching it from Beasely or that Cole Beasely signing a waiver means Josh Allen is also subject to Beasely's waiver?
  14. Personally, I don't care if he's misinformed, doesn't get the vaccine or disagrees that gravity is nothing more than theory. It's about what he said that makes it very clear that he doesn't believe in freedom of choice. He believe that he should get to make whatever choice and everyone else should then be subject to it because *he* doesn't like something. Most players disagree with him otherwise, if they felt as strongly as he and Rachel Bush would like people to believe then the NFLPA wouldn't have agreed to those rules. It's about his selfishness. Get the vaccine, don't get the vaccine and do what you agreed to do, or don't like it and don't play in the NFL. He chose to throw a tantrum to try to get things his way. In the process of which, he violated a direct agreement he made with his teammates, coaches and the team that they weren't going to talk about individuals vaccination status.
  15. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to take care of you and support you regardless if you 'associate' with us or not. This is why you need to step up and be better. I'm tired of you costing me money.
  16. No, you're incorrect. In studies so far, vaccinated people are less likely to infect others. According to the CDC, "Early data show that vaccines help keep people with no symptoms from spreading COVID-19." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/keythingstoknow.html#:~:text=Early data show the vaccines,more people get vaccinated.
  17. You made most of that up in your own mind. So congrats. Also, I don't accept your apology. Be smarter and stop dragging the rest of us down.
  18. This entire thing is because he wants them to change all the rules just for him. He didn't retire, he's not retiring. He's throwing a tantrum because the bulk of player represented by the NFLPA wanted different rules and he's literally saying, I'm going to show up and not follow the rules.
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