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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I may not care about either of these two teams a whole lot, but I'll never be disappointed by the Cowboys looking like crap
  2. Heard he's retiring to Kraft's special office in Florida so he can continue receiving special favors.
  3. What's wrong with the practice squad? He was a 6th round pick... if some other team had wanted this guy they could have had him.
  4. Finally moving Josh to his natural position at RB
  5. Stop letting logic get in the way of a good crusade
  6. -TBD melts down when Edmunds is named All Pro and makes the Pro Bowl - Neither Lawrence or Wilson have the best rookie season for a QB - Brian Flores finishes 3rd in the division and is on the hot seat. They draft a QB early, but insist it's just as a backup and they believe in Tua - The Pats push the Bills for the division. Not ever really in jeopardy, but the Bills are only 1-2 games ahead for a fair portion of the season (you can't win more games than you play) - The Colts weather the adversity and end up with a winning record. Reich coach of the year
  7. Is it just me making this up in my head, but are the days of not bringing in legit competition for QBs not what they used to be? Seems like there are a lot more battles among those '2nd' or '3rd' tier QB like Garoppolo having guys drafted or signed to challenge them. That addage of if you have 2 QBs, you have zero Qbs doesn't seem to be as strong anymore.
  8. Depends on who you are...seems like several people made a lot of money off that project. Not you, not me, but seems like a great economic opportunity for a select few who never had to face consequences for some reason.
  9. Like I said, this all came from one reporter with no real connection to the Bills. If it wasn't entirely made up, the sourcing is extremely suspect.
  10. Gase was awful, but his awfulness fooled them hard into believing Darnold was also not awful.
  11. eh, I'm not sure about this, but I'll try a few gallons of it to see if it's worthwhile.
  12. In Jets news, they put on pads and somehow their offensive line did much, much worse than without pads. Bad day for their O in general because of the pressure. Same for the Dolphins,
  13. There always has to be one... On a side note, I've been following all of the camps and Robert Foster is now that guy for the Dolphins.
  14. I'm not sure what this meandering rant has to do with my comment that Beane being in on a guy doesn't necessarily mean that the offer was likely to be taken by the player.
  15. Keep in mind, there's more than 1 reason to "be in on a guy". Beane may have had interest, but also could be doing something like gauging the market. "Being in" doesn't mean likely to actually do so.
  16. Are they trading him for a TE or Pass Rusher? What if he's demanding to wait until next offseason and Beane is giving what he's demanding?
  17. Eh? It's as far away as Buffalo and Pittsburgh. I don't think Houston has too much fandom in Austin. The Cowboys would definitely be the more popular team in the area. Austin is an unlikely area in my opinion, but not because of anything to do with Houston. Honestly, sounds like the reporter needed some clicks and found "someone" related to the team in some abstract way to make a comment.
  18. If the new Stadium doesn't vault the Bills to being in the top half of the league for revenue...15 years is a long time and owners pushing this on the Bills won't give a ****. I suspect a new stadium won't be the massive revenue lifter that Jerruh wants it to be. It is a possibility especially with an ever increasing push towards remote work and the state's leadership is woefully unprepared to handle it because they're still in the pretend it's not happening phase.
  19. I'd say it's much more likely this is being pushed by Jerruh's company than the Pegula's themselves who have made statements saying a massively expensive stadium likely isn't the 'right' away to go... My hunch is they'll let Jerruh shoot his shot and when the state tells him to go pound sand, they'll end up with something more realistic for the region. Everything aside, we know that Jerruh and his pal owners who need the revenue from their teams want to push small market teams to move. I don't think it happens here, but the likelihood is that in 20 years barring a real acceleration of growth in the region that the Bills will play outside of Western New York.
  20. Oh, well, now they're just making stuff up. I live in Austin and the... desire for an NFL team is low. The massive stadium that would be required would need to go somewhere outside the city and the traffic problems down here are already bad and difficult to solve. There's only a light commuter rail that is next to useless for public transportation and the parking for it wouldn't support extending it out to some fictional stadium (not to mention they worked around a lot of eminent domain issues so the route sucks and has frequent stops for road traffic). That's before you get into the culture, that there are many other venues (so revenue from other events would probably be low) and that the Longhorns dominate the city... yeah. If they said San Antonio, it might be believable. In fact, these 'leaks' are so laughably without context that I would not be surprised if they are straight from Jerry Jones.
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