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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. as stated in the thread for around the league news, he's a headcase. He's been missing practices and a scrimmage. He has a lot of mental problems that he's dealing with which is why he is 'available'. I know people think the Bills are magic now, but it's not likely he's going to instantly resolve that sort of depression by changing teams.
  2. Apparently, he's been missing meetings and a scrimmage. Having some mental difficulties. He was the 9th overall pick last year.
  3. That was so hilarious. How does it even happen that the 2nd team guys crush your starters on both sides of the ball?
  4. They keep bringing in guys to compete with Levi and they keep choosing Levi. The best bet for them to 'improve' CB2 was getting a pass rush.
  5. The Jets are having a scrimmage 1st team offense vs 1st team defense, 2nd team offense vs 2nd team defense, 3rd team offense vs 3rd team defense Zach Wilson is doing his best to imitate Sam Darnold
  6. The sentiment I've seen on the Browns boards was "yea, Baker's great despite his middle of the pack stats, but why don't wait and he see how he does this season even if it costs more?" which seems to be that they're not sure Baker's really a driving force on the team or a beneficiary of a stacked roster and 2 elite running backs running behind a really good line. Ravens just seemed to talk about how Allen wasn't worth it and that Lamar was gonna get more because of his mom. They didn't seem to really discuss whether Jackson was worthy of the contract. They seem to know he's going to get paid regardless. Also seems to be a secondary sentiment that they would love to wait and 'pay more' as well. Seems like two teams (from a fan's perspective) that aren't sure they have a franchise QB for the next several years. The Jets are in that stage of utter fear that they could have another Darnold on their hands. They have serious conversations about Wilson being in the same tier as Rodgers, Allen, Mahomes. Literally, everything Zach does is the "best" or "That incompletion is so different than the ones Darnold threw". It's a "the lady doth protest too much" situation over there right now.
  7. He's been good and improved 2 seasons in a row which kind of defeats the one hit wonder tag
  8. ..and here we have the "Someone is wrong on the internet and I absolutely MUST correct them so badly that I overlook the obvious joke" brigade. Let us have a moment of silence for our brothers who must live with being themselves for the rest of their lives.
  9. Many of them apparently. Antrel Rolle, Josh Martin, Drew Brees. Seems like an endless number of articles with specifics from named Athletes paying state income taxes who talk about it, but many of them probably don't understand what their accountants are doing. According to every article I've found is that players are paid as employees and their paychecks are cut directly to players and not incorporated entities on the player's behalf. The example used in this thread is EJ Manuel and the 'incorporation' around him was when he tried selling 'stock' in himself against 10% of his future earnings which may have been a creative way to accomplish this (if it had worked out) as he could have switched his income to the corporation and eventually 100% of his football earnings. I'm generally interested in the information you have. This is very intriguing to me as it seems to be a cleverly hidden secret. So it seems they're doing some really creative tricks to get paid as players and transferring that sum directly to corporations that aren't registered directly to themselves to avoid paying income tax from their game checks. However, they're accomplishing this transfer is a closely held secret and super effective (also, not able to be used by the regular league employees who don't make millions and also have to pay out of state income taxes). It's also strange that players are claiming the state exemptions on income tax in other states while not having a taxable income themselves from their game salaries. So many loopholes in tax law that it's truly an impressive dance. This does seem to be a strategy for income outside of their salary such as advertising deals and the like, but I'm still struggling to find how their accomplishing this with their salary.
  10. Or I should say there seem to be many, many articles about players not doing this. Seems like their accountants are dropping the ball.
  11. Interesting. I wonder why more players don't do this then.
  12. I couldn't speak to whether that's possible. The only thing I know about is players have to pay income taxes for the state's that they 'work' in.. However, I'm a firm believe in the power of corruption. If this was possible, I am sure it would have been done already. Seems like @Chaos might know more
  13. You're very confused. Allen plays most of his games in NYS. Things like bonuses are in NYS... You also said where he makes his 'home' which is just totally incorrect. You were wrong. It happens to all of us. Don't get silly trying to pretend otherwise.
  14. I went to their forums...the vitriol against Allen and this deal are surprising. I get the feeling they are not as confident in paying their guys similar deals.
  15. Don't you put that knicks juju on us. Got enough of our own.
  16. I've been following the AFC East teams since last offseason quite a bit. I, personally, am not high on Flores at all, but he currently has player's loyalty. He operated similar to McDermott in shipping out the players who would be problems for the most part. However, I think he puts on too much of a tough guy act and seems to really crave attention (he want that genius moniker that Belichick has badly and it shows) so does things like taunt players (see: Jarvis Landry) and makes poor decisions (co-coordinators instead of going out and getting a proven guy that might challenge him). Those type of guys can get loyalty by jettisoning players short term, but you have to win to keep it. The massive let down against the Bills to make the playoffs is the type of thing that knocks that loyalty. Once he really starts to lose it, it will evaporate quickly.
  17. That would be news to almost everyone who follows the Dolphins. Flores is not on the hotseat. If he fails to make the playoffs this year then he's likely on the hot seat next year, but he is absolutely safe this season barring a full on meltdown and player revolt. Daboll won't be replacing Flores because it is extremely unlikely he will be fired this offseason.
  18. Don't use that accountant for your taxes unless you want to end up in jail or paying big penalties. "The jock tax stipulates that players must pay the relevant taxes for any states that they happen to play a game in. For example, when New England Patriots quarterback Cam Newton travels to Oakland to play the Raiders, he is responsible for paying California state taxes on the money he gets paid for that game." https://www.sportscasting.com/how-do-taxes-work-in-the-nfl/
  19. how do you people manage to go outside on a daily basis without having a complete breakdown?
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