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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. He's going to make the team. Probably want to see the guys they have to make decisions on.
  2. It wouldn't as weird if they didn't, apparently, have optimism up until their 1st offensive series.
  3. Let's goooooooo! It feels like it's been 2 years since we've had football, not just pre-season
  4. I had the same problem as you did, but someone pointed out it's the "Hall of Fame", not the "Hall of Very Good", not the "Hall of the Very Best Stats" or anything else. So the problem that many people have isn't that such and such player "deserves" to be in the "Hall of Fame", but that a different "Hall" is desired all together.
  5. It's a matter of efficiency. Throwing out a bunch of hot takes get a bunch of attention and nobody really cares that you're generally wrong. In fact, the 'generally wrong' ends up being an attention getter itself. Look at this forum.. people can't wait to post stuff from sites or reporters that they "hate" to get everyone else riled up and running over to pay attention to the object of said "hate".
  6. People seem confused that the media needs your attention today... not in 2 or 3 years..
  7. You know how this goes..it will be the greatest 7-10 season ever and they are setup to win it all next year! It takes a good 3-5 years before the misery sets in and the media flips..
  8. Isn't that exactly how he's connected with a bunch of guys on the team?
  9. The true pandemic! Soon they shall take us all!
  10. Interestingly enough, that seems to be a thing the Sabres did this year. Some boom or bust guys.
  11. I propose the theory that anyone KC drafted would be "steal of the draft"
  12. Problem Solved: https://store.steampowered.com/app/544730/Catan_Universe/
  13. The best parody has a lot of reality in it though. There's a lot of murmurs from a broken fanbase because Wilson hasn't lit up training camp when a lot of their fanbase convinced themselves he was the GOAT before camp started. They aren't going to know until next season whether he's going to make it or not, but there is a good deal of hand wringing after he looked great in OTAs. Conversely, there is also a common belief that their defense is going to be the best in AFC East and top 5 overall.
  14. Let's see how this year plays out. There's always another mitch trubisky. Side note: the bears forums are eviscerating the guy for his comments today. They really don't like him, but also say he's a hard working team first guy. Seems he gets a lot of blame for Pace drafting him #2 OA
  15. Beane has made a lot of comments about being able to frontload the cash in contracts gets the players to give him flexibility with the cap and both the player and team usually win (unless, of course, the player busts and still gets a lot of cash before being cut). Which, btw, is something the "cheapskate" Pegulas are allowing.
  16. I love how everyone says that now, but it's like... it's happened 1 time.. with Josh Allen. NOW though, expect everyone to have an improvement like that!
  17. I did that and went to task manager and chose to end 'system' and my computer blue screened. Now I'm at the library and there's a strange man licking my elbow. All of this and I don't even know what kind watch Cam was wearing!
  18. I can't see it.. what did he try to put on Cam's watch? Why is Cam even wearing a watch?!!
  19. I seem to recall Beane talking about something along the lines of you should pay your players because what you really need is flexibility and if you're fair with their agents then the agents will work with you on structure and other areas. It's nice to have grownups in charge...because like, if it was me, I'd be all "You're taking this big mac and 5 dollar bill and you're gonna like it!" Then I would literally have trouble signing J. Wellington Wimpy
  20. I do hope GMs are able to get information that 30 seconds reading the tweets from reporters would get you
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