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  1. I'm in favor of the strike. It's been taking ages to get my fries at my local fast food place and the manager said they're having trouble finding enough employees to keep up.
  2. So he's going to a hut in Merzouga for a darkness retreat that lasts all season?
  3. What?
  4. I used electronic measuring, but it didn't make it any longer.
  5. The Eagles were 22nd and the Cheifs were 26th. No way any of these teams will win a superbowl like this.
  6. Remember when James Cook was a waste of a draft pick?
  7. 2 of them, actually. Also, Incognito is f'ing crazy. There's plenty of incidents with his behavior that are bats**t.
  8. Yes, it's disturbing at all of the Myles Garret level of players drafted outside the top ten around the league and the Bills haven't been able to get a single one of those guys. Monos definitely knows what he's talking about.
  9. Every NFL owner is going to do this now that it's allowed.
  10. He's not capable of taking any team that's willing to take him to the playoffs. Fans don't care about real money and when anyone talks about 'paying a guy' they are talking about the cap.
  11. You expect to draft more than one DT? That seems like a lot. I'd think you'd go FA for any more than 1.
  12. He's an average player who wants to get paid and has struggled at times in Fangio's and Weaver's defenses. I have a hard time believing he'd be a 'difference maker' and would be one of the most hated players here given what he'll cost.
  13. I didn't think they could go lower.
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