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  1. Which itself could have been in the postgame thread
  2. The offense today feels like the Dorsey offense trying to force the deep shots when you're succeeding elsewhere.
  3. It would be nice to see defense out there for the 1st time today.
  4. Teams should just kneel on 1st and 2nd down against the Bills defense because 3rd and long is guaranteed.
  5. So are we still on the "Elam should be starting over Douglas or Benford" idiocy?
  6. Not a chance. He's at 499 TDs. It looked like he forced a pass to a double covered Adams trying to have him be the one that caught 500 and cost the Jets points.
  7. He has been trying to force it to Adams as well
  8. Every year the jets win some games at the end after being eliminated. It happened back to Gase and Darnold and it setup their annual offseason championship. If they do they run it back again for year 3 of Rodgers.. the results will be the same.
  9. They won their superbowl a couple weeks ago
  10. The QB status for the Browns is always the same.. Bad.
  11. Do you think there's a lot of controlled crying going on?
  12. The ones who advertise they are a fan of another team tend to go away fairly quickly. It's the ones who try to pretend to be Bills fans that are really annoying. Also the "jets fan" you are likely speaking of isn't a Jets fan.. it's a Bills fan pretending to be a Jets fan.
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